If you wonder how the Hobby Lobby decision will impact the election, just keep the following in mind.  If you have to lie to support your position, it is because the facts don’t support your position.  So far everyone who has come out against this decision has lied.  Liberals, including Hillary Clinton are falsely claiming that Hobby Lobby didn’t want to pay for contraceptives for anyone.  That is a deliberate lie.    The truth is that Hobby Lobby is only against 4 out of twenty contraceptive choices.  This is not exactly difficult to understand, even for liberals.

The main stream media is certain to repeat the lies of the liberal left.  The main stream media always repeats the lies of the liberal left.  But fewer people rely on the main stream media for news and the truth is out there.   If Republicans are smart they will start trotting out some women employees from Hobby Lobby who are almost certain to say they don’t see this as a problem.

We should never be shocked that people are so willing to tell, spread and believe convenient lies.  That is how people like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton get elected.  But I still firmly believe that if the foundation of your position is based on something that is not true; at some point truth will out.

We are watching this happen with all the lies about global warming.  The more the truth comes out, the louder the lies are repeated.  But the global warming crowd has already lost this battle.  Fewer and fewer people believe the myth anymore and a high percentage of those who do believe don’t care.  That is because even if they believe in global warming they definitely don’t believe that cutting down carbon dioxide is essential to saving mankind.

Democrats are desperately hoping that the Hobby Lobby case will energize their base and help them snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.  They are right about the jaws of defeat but I doubt that a really obviously lie is going to be enough this time around.