The liberal left is desperately trying to save Eric Holder.  That should be no surprise, because he is the primary defender of Barack Obama.  This is really sad.  The Attorney General is supposed to be the most ethical member of the cabinet.  This is the person who is supposed to uphold the law.  Instead he is either hopelessly incompetent or a deliberate liar.

Here is exactly what Holder said:

HOLDER: Well, I would say this: With regard to the potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material, that is not something that I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be a wise policy. In fact, my view is quite the opposite that, what I proposed during my confirmation, what the Obama administration supported during 2009 and I understand — I think Senator Schumer is now introducing a bill that we are going to support, as well — that the press should be — should have — there should be a shield law with regard to the press’s ability to the gather information and to disseminate it.

The — because the focus should be on those people who break their oaths and put the American people at risk, not reporters who gather this information. That should not be the focus of these investigations. [House Judiciary Committee hearing, 5/15/13, via Nexis]

Media matters, one of those tax exempt organizations not targeted by the I.R.S. is trying desperately to pretend this is not perjury.  The logic in the following article is pretty tortured, even for Media matters:


Of course if you start any article by bad mouthing Fox News a certain segment of the liberal left will be too busy applauding to bother reading the rest of the article.  The problem with this analysis is that it would require the entire White House Press Corps to be terminally stupid to buy this nonsense.  More and more of them have turned on Holder.  Holder called an off-the-record meeting with the White House Press Corps and they told him no.

Holder’s statement is hard to explain because it was an incredibly dumb thing to say.  If he knew that warrant was going to be released one would at least expect a better lie.  This is pathetic.   I don’t think Holder knew the DOJ was about to release a copy of the warrant with his signature.

That may be an indication that there are some people in the DOJ who are fed up with this and they released these documents without bothering to kiss the ring.  These are U.S. Attorneys and they knew exactly what would happen.  Media matters may not recognize a perjury trap, but a U.S. Attorney sure would.   The DOJ is famous for selective leaks.  Perhaps, just perhaps, someone leaked the ultimate back at yah.


One thought on “HOLD OVER

  1. A government of, by and for the politicians at the expense of the populace.

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