President Obama ended the Iraq war by declaring war fatigue.  There was no pretense of victory or even accomplishment.  It just ended because people were sick of it.  Then he used the same technique to end the “necessary war” in Afghanistan.  According to Obama all wars must eventually end, so he will declare that one over too.  Once again there was no pretense of victory or accomplishment.  Last week he declared the war on terror to be over.  Obama believes that because Osama bin Laden is dead, that war is over too. 

He didn’t try to win the war in Iraq or Afghanistan.  He didn’t even try to win the war against terrorism.  Instead, he just changed the name.  He claimed that the war against terror has been won, because it is no longer possible to have a terrorist attack.  As long as he denies defining events as terrorist attacks, there can be no terrorist attacks, so he can claim victory.

This is how Obama plans to deal with all these scandals.  He refuses to consider them scandals.  If he doesn’t call them scandals, they can’t actually be scandals.  Later, after months of delay, he will declare an end to scandals because everyone has scandal fatigue. 

This probably would have worked if the scandals were just about money or even sex.  This might even have worked if it was just about Benghazi.  The news media and the liberal left were already willing to ignore Benghazi.  But this time because we have the I.R.S. auditing people for political purposes and we have the DOJ calling reporters criminal co-conspirators.  No one likes the I.R.S. and the press is stupid, but not that stupid. 

He can and will still lie and pretend that the economy is doing ok.  His friends in the media will still chime in with support. He can and will still lie and pretend that our foreign policy is somehow secretly successful.  His friends will back him on that too.  But no one is pretending that the scandals represent anything resembling success.  At best, they are evidence of gross incompetence.  At worst?  His friends are reduced to saying he is not evil, just stupid.  It is really bad when your best defense is that you were merely oblivious.

 Yes, we will soon develop scandal fatigue.  Obama is right about that.  But the country will develop a severe case of Obama fatigue long before that happens.  Who knows what will happen with regard to any of these scandals.  We are soon to enter the finger pointing stage where politicians scream blame at each other.  The Republicans seem to have the upper hand, but they have a long history of botching things up and they could easily snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  It is hard to predict the final outcome.  But we do know one thing.  We know that Barack Obama is a total failure as a leader.  Being oblivious may keep him in office, but it won’t keep him in power.  The real question is who or what will replace him.



  1. Unfortunately we seem to be running on empty as far as responsible, qualified people who would be willing to take up the responsibility of the Presidency after the Obama fiasco has all but totaled our USA.

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