Hosea 8:7  “For they sow the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind.”  In 2014, Obama care requires every employer in the United States, with more than 50 employees, to provide “qualifying health insurance.”  If employers fail to comply, they will pay a tax of $2,000 per employee ($3,000 if employee receives coverage through an exchange).  The plan was to force businesses to provide health care to employees.  That is far from true. 

The people who dreamed up this puppy probably thought this would force everyone into a government run single payer health care system before anyone realized it was happening.  The fine is clearly inadequate to cover health care costs, so this is a classic bait and switch operation.  In a very short period of time the employer fine would have been increased to cover actual costs, but employees would have lost employer sponsored health care in the meantime.

However, the negative impact of this mandate will send shock waves through the economy long before 2014.  The people who wrote this are absolutely clueless with regard to how business operates in the U.S.  Most companies with a lot of employees are publicly held and many of them are also unionized.  As a CEO of a publicly held corporation, you are required to maximize equity for stockholders.  Since many of these companies are paying up to $12,000 per employee, per year for health care, they will be required to cancel their employee sponsored health care and pay the fine.  Failure to do that would result in massive litigation from attorneys filing D & O claims.  Directors & Officers liability claims are already a major problem for publicly held corporations.  Even if the CEO thinks this will be devastating to employees, they will still do it, because they have a non-delegable duty to stockholders. 

If the firm has a significant number of union contracts, the problem becomes worse and the problem develops much sooner.  If a union contract comes up for renewal now, and the contract will last through 2014, the CEO of the company will have to address the issue now.  We should expect to see union contracts negotiated with a stated intent by the company to cancel employee sponsored health care in 2014.  A lot of people who are more than happy with their employer sponsored health care plans are in for a very rude awakening.

Obama care also appears to be designed to eliminate Medicare Advantage programs.

This year Medicare Advantage was already cut, but the Government Accounting Office used $8.3 billion from a slush fund to make up the difference.  That is because if Medicare Advantage programs were cancelled during an election year the results would be catastrophic to Obama.  Of course this is exactly what will happen in the near future.

Many people are terribly concerned by the blatant attempt to shove socialist medicine down our collective throats by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.  Remember that Obamacare passed without a single Republican vote.  Even then, it required the illegal prosecution of Ted Stevens, the re-writing of the law in Massachusetts, the Cornhusker Kickback and the Louisiana Purchase to get enough votes to pass this monstrosity.  The Democrats own Obamacare, lock, stock and barrel.   It is now obvious that Democrats have made an enormous blunder.  The problem is that when liberals gain power is that they have no clue with regard to the real world.  Obamacare is so flawed that it is about to implode under its own weight.   Yes, they definitely planned to force us into socialized medicine.  But they are hopelessly incompetent and that is becoming increasingly obvious.

So far very little of Obamacare has been implemented.  People are still concerned because of the “predictions” by opponents.  That is about to change.  Obamacare is far worse than anyone is reporting and the impact will be even more devastating.  It will soon become impossible to disguise the enormous failure of this monstrosity.  Obama’s only hope of re-election is to delay the negative impact of this legislation until after the election.  That is why they “borrowed” $8.3 billion for Medicare Advantage.  But they are out of time and they are also out of money.  This is so bad that the Supreme Court overturning Obamacare may be the best thing to happen to Obama. 



  1. Overturning OBcare is the best thing that could happen to us who are over 70 years old! We are just beginning to live a little and they want to make sure we dont!

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