In 1954 Abraham Maslow published his famous triangle showing the Hierarchy of Human Needs.  The following article explains the triangle:

It is extremely important to understand the impact of Maslow’s triangle on elections.  History has taught us this on many occasions.  Liberalism never works.  Liberals always raise taxes.  This never works. 

Liberals always increase entitlements.  That works brilliantly in terms of keeping them in power.  There is always an oversupply of people willing to take free stuff.  But eventually liberals make promises they cannot keep.  They delay in recognizing the obvious, so they borrow more money and pretend the problem is solved.  The result is less revenue, more debt, and more people demanding free stuff.  Ultimately, this doesn’t work either.  Liberals always increase regulation.  They believe that true fairness in society is only possible when the benevolent government decides who wins and who loses.  The net result is those who actually do things are ripped off so those who don’t benefit.  Eventually we run out of those who do.   In every country where the government tried to solve problems with more regulations, the economy has eventually tanked.  So, increased regulation never works either.  Nothing liberals do actually works. 

At some point the failure of liberalism is undeniable.   People are often fooled, for a while, by the pipe dream of liberal promises.  But ultimately none of this matters when people fall into the lower two tiers of Maslow’s triangle. 

Margaret Thatcher, who came to power as the result of a failed liberal government, said it very well:

“Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess.  They always run out of other people’s money.  It’s quite a characteristic of them.”

Obama has run out of money.  Gas prices are going to skyrocket and he can’t do anything to stop it.  He may release the strategic oil reserves, but that will have minimal impact.  He may try to increase the tax on oil company profits, but that won’t work either.  Obama can’t tax his way out of this and he doesn’t have the money to pay for everyone’s gas.  The simple truth is that we can’t come close to producing the oil we need.  Our current production is up solely because of decisions made during the Bush administration.  Even so, we still get about half of our oil from other countries.  Obama has blocked new drilling and his ban on deep water drilling resulted in oil rigs being moved to places like Brazil.  These are very expensive rigs and they can’t be built over night.  It will take years to recover from the blunders of the Obama administration.  Even if Obama woke up overnight, started relaxing environmental rules and gave tax incentives to oil companies, it is too late.  We are out of time and soon we will be out of oil.

We are going to see $5 a gallon gas in the near future and it could get worse.  In addition, there are likely to be shortages.  Just imagine people sitting in their cars, waiting for hours, so they can buy gas at $6 a gallon.  In the meantime they will be listening to people on the radio, like Rush Limbaugh, explaining why it’s Obama’s fault.  If you think I am imagining things, then reflect back on the Carter years. 

I call it the “Maslow Toss Rule.”  When liberal muck things up bad enough, even the entitlement crowd realizes you can’t eat false promises.  This is why Liberals always get voted out of power in the end.  It is why liberals were voted out of power in Canada.  It is why they were voted out of power in Great Britain.  It is why they were voted out of power in France.  It is why they were voted out of power in Germany.  It is why they were voted out of power in Wisconsin, and Michigan and Ohio and Louisiana.  It is why Republicans ran the table in 2010.  As recently as 2008 Democrats had increased their majority in the House, they had secured a veto proof majority in the Senate, and they had elected Barack Obama President of the United States.  No one, I repeat, no one, would even estimate when Republicans might once again get a sniff at power.  But liberals are always liberals, which means they never learn and they always try to govern as liberals.  That is why they always fail.  The only question is how long this will take and how much damage is done in the interim.  It is why even Republicans with their traditional ability to try and seize defeat from the jaws of victory, will still do well in 2012.  Obama is not only going to lose, he is going to get trounced.  Maslow Toss.