If a Republican dares mention the slightest doubt about the theory of evolution the main stream media will immediately label him or her as too stupid to hold public office.  Democrats are never even asked the question.  Democrats are automatically assumed to be brighter than Republicans.  That is why they are Democrats.  This is similar to the way that Republicans are treated with regard to racism.  All Republicans are assumed to be racist, and all Democrats are assumed to be civil rights heroes.  The fact that the Democratic Party was the party of racism for most of its history is never discussed.

Following is the latest and greatest attempt by the evolution crowd to explain the origin of life:


If you read this article, two things become very clear.  First, scientists have no clue as to how life began.  The only thing they know for sure is that current theories don’t hold up under scrutiny.  Second, they keep searching and searching for some plausible explanation.  If they already know the answer, why the desperate search for more information?  They are willing to cling desperately to the most wildly implausible explanations.  This is because they start with the assumption that this had to have happened as the result of a lucky accident.  Otherwise, they would be forced to consider creative design and they just can’t abide that.

This latest theory is laughably improbable.  Not only do you need a miraculous accidental combination of amino acids at the start, you need a series of miraculous events because: “it wouldn’t be possible to do it all at once.”  Really?

So, who’s the dummy?  The person who believes in the events less likely than finding a winning Mega Millions Lottery ticket miraculously appearing on your laser printer as the result of a once in a life time power failure?  Or the person who says:  “this is just far too complicated to dismiss as some kind of unexplainable accident?”

Our kids have been taught the theory of evolution as solid science since the Scopes trial.  Heaps of scorn are dumped on the heads of any teachers daring to challenge the theory of evolution.   Yet, polls consistently show that only about 40% of Americans buy the theory of evolution.  There are differences in results from Gallop Polls and from Pew Polls, but both show the percentage of Americans who favor creationism at about 43%.  If evolution is so darn obvious, why don’t more people believe it?


I wish just one candidate would have the courage to say the obvious.  “I don’t believe in the theory of evolution because I just don’t have enough faith to buy the improbable chain of events necessary to make the theory work.”  We need to understand the difference between real science, which is unafraid to look at things as they actually are, and politically correct science, which lurches from one improbable theory after another in a desperate attempt to ignore the obvious reality of a God who created the universe. 

Frankly, I don’t care if someone wants to swallow the theory of evolution hook, line and sinker.  After all, we all should have the freedom to believe what we want.  But I am sick and tired of those who consider themselves intellectually superior to anyone who disagrees with them.