Barack Obama made a major mistake while being interviewed by Harry Smith. He said people can’t answer when asked why they think Obama is a socialist. Unfortunately for Obama, people like Glenn Beck can hit that softball out of the park with one hand tied behind their back. But the real problem is that Obama just may have opened Pandora’s Box. This is similar to when Gary Hart challenged the press to follow him because he was boring. It may even open the long simmering missing birth certificate issue. Once people start asking questions about Obama’s background, they are going to find fertile soil.
Just this week a high-ranking officer refused to accept orders to go to Afghanistan. He says he will not go until Obama produces a certified copy of his original birth certificate.
President Obama Needs to Prove His Constitutional Eligibility to Be Commander-in-Chief
While I honestly think Obama was born in Hawaii, it is troubling that he will reveal absolutely no documents regarding his background. Why should the standard be less for the President of the United States than for an officer in the United States Army? Our servicemen must produce their birth certificate before deploying to Afghanistan. According to Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin:
My deployment orders for a second tour in Afghanistan included a requirement to bring copies of my birth certificate. I would be glad to obey this order and provide a certified copy of my original birth certificate with common, standard identifiers, including the name of an attending physician and a hospital. Every day in transactions across the country, American citizens are required to prove their identity; standards for identification have become stricter since the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
There have been other servicemen who have refused deployment for this reason. The problem was solved, temporarily, by having their orders for deployment revoked. Then the judge dismissed the case because the person filing no longer had legal standing. This is why all of these cases have been dismissed. The courts have consistently found a lack of legal standing. But, a field grade officer ordered to deploy overseas to a combat zone just may have legal standing. This may be harder to sweep under the rug. I would not be surprised to see other servicemen and women join in. There are many people who are very concerned about this President and they may just decide to do something about it.
One thing is certain: Obama is hiding something: in fact, he is hiding darn near everything. Either he is an ignorant fool (quite possibly true) or he has reason to be very afraid of what people will find. The only thing consistent about Obama’s background is the great effort he has spent to hide it. I cannot think of another other public official who has not released his birth certificate, his medical records, or even his college transcripts. Even John Kerry released his transcripts even though they showed that, compared to him, George Bush was Rhodes Scholar material. My guess is that whatever Obama is hiding is a real deal breaker. Otherwise, or he is really, really dumb.
In my personal experience, everytime I met someone who was overly secret about their background, they had good reason to do so. I doubt that Obama is an exception to the rule!