Secured By Stupidity

Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms

So far, President Obama has limited the damage caused by his naïve incompetence to destroying our economy and taking over our health care system.  Oh he has also managed to botch the war in Afghanistan, but even he appears to be incapable of reversing the tide in Iraq.  

But now, he is literally putting us in great danger.  It is not so much that his policy is an unreasonable approach to the potential use of nuclear weapons.  I am sure that every President has a similar approach.  No sane leader would consider using a nuclear weapon, other than as an absolute last resort measure in a worst case scenario.  However, it is beyond stupid to tell the world exactly how you will respond.  Basically it is providing our enemies with a blue print for destroying us.  

Compare this to a homeowner.  You hear the sound of someone breaking into your house.  You have a shot gun.  You run down stairs, confront the intruder and aim the gun at him.  He does not know that the gun not loaded.  In most cases the intruder is not going to risk getting shot.  He will either leave quickly, or surrender, but he is very unlikely to attack you.  Obama, on the other hand, would quickly tell the intruder that the shotgun isn’t actually loaded, because he wants the intruder to know he won’t hurt him.  He thinks that will make the intruder less likely to harm Obama.  This works really well.  A lot of criminals are stopped by people who make them feel less threatened.  That is why muggers always pick targets like big burly guys who look like professional bouncers and ignore the elderly woman using a walker to carry her purse. 

In addition, now the homeowner (President Obama) wants to make sure everyone understands his policy to make us even safer.  So he puts up a sign on the door that says:  If you break in, we will call the police, but as long as you don’t try to harm us, we won’t try to stop you.  The house next door has a sign that says “To Hell With The Dog, Beware Of Owner” along with a cartoon drawing of an angry man with a double barrel shotgun.  If you were a burglar, which house would you choose?   Exactly! 

Sleep Tight.