The occupy wall street fiasco was probably inevitable.  After all, President Obama has been deliberately inciting class warfare.  He never resists the opportunity to point his finger at someone.  This is normally done right after he finishes giving a stern lecture about finger pointing.  It is similar to the way he preaches about the need for a bi-partisan approach right after he gets done blaming everything on Republicans.  Now, after demonizing Wall Street, the banking system in general and the Global Economic system, Obama tells the protestors they are right, then warns them not to demonize people.

 The protestors are understandably confused.  This is so bad it has even been noticed by the New York Times:

 In the ultimate irony, after the NYT points out that these guys don’t have a clue, it reaches the following conclusion:

 The influence and staying power of Occupy Wall Street are undeniable: similar movements have sprouted around the world, as the original group enters its fifth week in the financial district. Yet a frequent criticism of the protesters has been the absence of specific policy demands.

 This movement will spread, for a while, because of support from the far left main stream media.  If you want to understand this world view, just read the words to Imagine by John Lennon:



John Lennon

  • Imagine there’s no heaven
  • It’s easy if you try
  • No hell below us
  • Above us only sky
  • Imagine all the people
  • Living for today
  • Imagine there’s no countries
  • It isn’t hard to do
  • Nothing to kill or die for
  • And no religion too
  • Imagine all the people
  • Living life in peace
  • You may say I’m a dreamer
  • But I’m not the only one
  • I hope someday you’ll join us
  • And the world will be as one
  • Imagine no possessions
  • I wonder if you can
  • No need for greed or hunger
  • A brotherhood of man
  • Imagine all the people
  • Sharing all the world
  • You may say I’m a dreamer
  • But I’m not the only one
  • I hope someday you’ll join us
  • And the world will live as one

The problem is that Imagine does not describe utopia, it describes anarchy.  Someone has to plant the fields and grow the crops or we will all starve.  Someone has to build the homes or we die from lack of shelter.  Someone has to make the clothes or we are all naked.  The police are necessary, because someone has to use force to suppress criminals or they simply trample anyone who gets in their way.  Countries are necessary because history is full of tyrants determined to rule the world by force.  Religion reminds us of the difference between good and evil and right and wrong.  People without religion are too often people without moral restraint.  When I read and think about the world described in Imagine, I imagine a nightmare.

Things will change quickly.  There is a limited amount of time people can spend sitting around the camp fire singing “kum ba yah” before the sewage starts to back up and they run out of food.  I guarantee you there are some serious people who are already working overtime to control and exploit these protestors and the naïve media that is supporting them.  It is just the way things work.

President Obama and several top Democrats are openly embracing this movement.  It is a huge mistake.  They are foolishly comparing this to the Tea Party.  But the Tea Party is primarily composed of hard working citizens, including business owners, who know exactly what they want.  The want lower taxes, less government regulation and more adherence to the U.S. constitution.  The contrast between the two groups could not be starker.  Democrats tried this once before in 1968 and 1972 by aligning themselves with the anti-war protestors.  That is how Richard Nixon, perhaps the most unpopular U.S. President in our history, got elected twice.

Eventually this movement will run out of steam.  The main stream media will go back to singing Imagine still desperately searching for the impossible dream.


2 thoughts on “IMAGINE

  1. Obama’s finger pointing does not surprise me at all. Perhaps his “college record” is sealed so no one finds out the only course he passed with high marks might be Obfuscation 101. He excells at this to cover his real agenda.

  2. Terry, please check your e-mail inbox for messages I have sent to you. Thank you!

    Scott G.

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