The alleged plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States is more than a little strange.  Following is the latest report from CNN:

In another report, CNN reports that some analysts are more than a little skeptical:

Apparently Iran chose a used car salesman from Texas to reach out to the Mexican drug cartel in the desperate attempt to find someone stupid enough to do the deed.  This seems more than a little weird.  That doesn’t mean it isn’t true.  The CIA tried to hire the Mafia to off Fidel Castro and those clowns came up with some really weird and incredibly stupid plots.  None of them came close to working.

This guy was a U.S. citizen, but it does not appear that he was given all that much due process:

U.S. authorities arranged with Mexican officials for Arbabsiar to be denied entry into Mexico, a senior counterterrorism official said.

From there, he was placed on an airplane to New York, where U.S. agents interrogated him for 12 days, obtained a confession and compiled dozens of intelligence reports, the official said.

I wonder if he was given his Miranda rights.  It would also be interesting to know what interrogation techniques were used.  I sure hope no one deprived him of any sleep or asked him any tough questions.  I wonder if anyone in the main stream media even noticed.  And, by the way, his co-conspirator is missing. 

The only thing we know right now is that this is weird.  We also know it is a convenient distraction for Erik Holder who has been caught lying to congress about Fast & Furious.  Holder almost immediately used this as an excuse to avoid answering any questions during a recent news conference.  He was too busy keeping us safe to deal with trivial issues, like committing perjury.

This story is too juicy for anyone in the main stream media to ignore.  Odds are high there will be some very interesting and important developments.


One thought on “THE IRAN PLAN

  1. It’s interesting that no one presses for judgement on the illegal things done by government officials any more. That has gradually died out over time. I guess it is official policy now that if the President does it then it must be OK. Humbug! I wonder if the congress will rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise as we flush in 2012.

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