There are two things scheduled for next Monday. One is the football playoff game between the Miami Dolphins and the Kansas City Chiefs. This game will not be shown on national television unless you pay for Peacock Streaming service. It used to be that DirectTV had a monopoly on “out of market broadcasts.” Now ESPN has games, Apple TV has Games, YouTube has games and even Peacock has games. There are reports Peacock paid $100 million for this. It will be interesting to see how this works out.

Another factor is the weather. It is going to be brutally cold in Kansas City. The current forecast is for the temperature to be a high of 5f and a low of -5f. Normally we would love to watch that game, because we enjoy seeing multi-millionaire NFL spoiled brats suffer. But that does not mean I am willing to sign up for Peacock to watch one football game.

The other thing scheduled for Monday is the Iowa caucuses. The forecast for Kansas City is toasty compared to the forecast for Iowa. The high temperature is predicted to be 0f with a low of -12f. One notes that this forecast is for Des Moines, which is in the SOUTHERN half of Iowa. The northern Sun Belt, places like Mason City, Iowa will be even colder with a high of -3f and a low of – 10f. The wind speed will be about 16 mph, so it will feel even colder.

Remember in Iowa if you want to vote, you must show up, in person, at night. Ron DeSantis, who is from Florida, says his people are guaranteed to show up without regard to the weather. The MSM is convinced that Haley came out ahead in the debate last night. But the snap poll taken by the Dail Mail had 55% saying DeSantis won and 31% saying Haley one. Somebody is really wrong here.

By Tuesday morning either the KC Chiefs or the Miami Dolphins will be so yesterday. What will the NFL do if there are no more opportunities for Taylor Swift to showcase her ruby red ice-cold lips?

Meanwhile all those politicians and their supporting staff, who have been living in Iowa for what seems like forever will be leaving town on a Jet Plane. Don’t know when they’ll be back again. With this weather, no one will even pretend to hate to go. Suddenly on New Hampshire will matter, until that doesn’t matter either. The next really big day is probably Super Tuesday and by the end of March, odds are someone will be the Republican nominee. Most people assume that will be Donald Trump, but this is a time when things can change, literally overnight.

In the meantime, Democrats are terrified at the thought of another Biden – Harris ticket, but they keep looking for another sail, somewhere on the horizon, finding nothing. Those who were still clinging to the myth of Joe Biden being in charge had the illusion shattered when the Secretary of Defense was in the hospital, in ICU, and he never even bothered to tell Joe. At this point, it is unclear whether he told anyone. But then it’s not like the Secretary of Defense is an important cabinet position.

The bottom line is that the start of 2024 is already very, very cold and that is likely to make things very very hot. Ice hot!



The Iowa caucuses are next week. History teaches us that the Iowa Caucuses are hard to predict. It is even harder to predict if the results will even matter. For example, in 2020 Bernie Sanders was leading Pete Buttigieg by a narrow margin. Ultimately, Buttigieg was declared the winner and Joe Biden was basically tied for the bottom with about 10 percent of the vote. Obviously, the results in Iowa didn’t matter very much regarding the Democratic race.

In 2016 Donald Trump was leading in all the polls prior to caucus night, but it was Ted Cruz who actually won. This is one reason Trump is currently campaigning like mad in Iowa. This time everyone is predicting Trump will win, bigly. What really matters is who comes in second and by what margin. If Ron DeSantis comes in third, he may be finished. But if he finishes in a strong second place that changes everything.

Nikki Haley will probably win in New Hampshire, but it probably won’t matter. Part of the reason is that New Hampshire no longer represents the rest of the country very well. It has two liberal Democratic Senators and a retiring RINO Republican Governor, John Sununu. Then the DNC openly told Democrats that the Democratic Primary didn’t matter, so please vote for Nikki Haley. Obviously, Democrats consider Haley to be the perfect RINO Republican. Someone who could beat Trump, someone who is extremely likely to lose in November, and someone who, if elected, is guaranteed to compromise with Democrats.

I make no predictions other that to note the obvious. In Iowa the Caucuses are not run by the state, they are run by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in Iowa is a strong supporter of Governor Kim Reynolds. Kim Reynolds is a strong supporter of Ron DeSantis. In Iowa you must show up to vote, in person, and on time. A representative of the candidate gets to speak, then and only then is a vote taken. When Ron DeSantis talks about his ground game in Iowa, this is what that means. That is one reason polls can be really wrong.

Democrats have moved to an entirely mail-in system of casting votes. In 2020 it took days before Democrats could even figure out who won. Of course, no one would suspect any problem with all mail-in voting, right?

Winning Iowa does not mean you automatically win the nomination. But if you lose in Iowa, than can really matter. Perhaps I am wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised in Nikki Haley has a problem in Iowa. It doesn’t help if Republicans in Iowa learn that Democrats are openly supporting Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire Republican primary. In Iowa, they can’t do that.

There have been predictions that DeSantis will drop out if he doesn’t win the Iowa primary. But those rumors probably come from the Trump campaign. One thing is certain, if he doesn’t start showing up as a serious competitor then Trump will just coast to the nomination.

Democrats are clearly in panic mode. They know Joe Biden is heading not only for defeat, but for a monumental thumping. They also know that Kamala Harris would probably do even worse. If nothing changes, Trump not only wins, but he also wins bigly. I don’t know what they will do. I don’t even know if there are any realistic options available. I just know they are willing to do anything, and I do mean anything, to defeat Donald Trump.

Normally I call the time period after the Superbowl and before Baseball opening day the winter doldrums. Other than during March madness, there are few sporting events capable of providing a distraction from politics. We may be forced to pay attention to some of this nonsense, if for no other reason than to reduce the amount of boredom.

In the meantime, our enemies know two things. One is that Joe Biden is the weakest President they have ever encountered and are likely to encounter in the future. While the MSM may be pretending he’s doing great, they know better, and they just may view the next nine months as a “window of opportunity.” I am reminded that when FDR ordered an oil embargo against Japan, they knew if they did not go to war with the U.S. within a short period of time, they would never be able to go to war in the future because they simply would not have enough fuel. That was a primary factor in the decision to authorize the raid on Pearl Harbor. Desperate people do desperate things, and these are desperate times.



This year started off with a bang and things are about to get very intense. Democrats are souring on Joe Biden and desperately seeking Susan or anyone else who can fix this mess. It takes a very skilled liar to even pretend Joe is a viable candidate for re-election. The only argument is that he can’t possibly get bad enough to justify replacing him with Trump. Trump derangement syndrome lives in their tiny, tiny, brains. Then they look at who is next in line, and they see Kamala Harris. Very possibly the only Democratic politician in the country polling lower than Joe Biden.

Democrats are so desperate they are throwing huge funds and lavish MSM praise on Nikki Haley. She is the perfect RINO. Someone guaranteed to compromise with Democrats and most importantly she holds the coveted title of the Republican most likely to lose in a general election.

But sometimes being elevated just makes one an easier target. Just ask Ron DeSantis about that. Now Nikki Haley is drawing serious heat, including direct attacks by Donald Trump. Then she had a major unforced error. When asked what caused the Civil War, she forgot to mention slavery. The problem with her response is that not only did it expose some of her prejudice regarding the issue, but it was also just plain dumb. If you can’t answer that question, without a Teleprompter, then the illusion of competence evaporates. The MSM may try to ignore this, but Republican primary voters not so much.

This creates a huge problem for the liberal left and the MSM that has been slamming Ron DeSantis for months while simultaneously elevating Nikki Haley for months. They hate Trump but they fear DeSantis. That sound you hear is of left-wing Democrats and their fawning supporters in the MSM throwing up. Perhaps this is why CNN let Anderson Cooper take Tequilla shots during the New Years Eve Broadcast watched by no one.

But time waits for no one, and the Iowa Caucuses are in two weeks. The New Hampshire primary is the following week. We are two months away from Super Tuesday and after than it will be nearly impossible to change anything. Right now, Trump looks to be a lock, but that could change overnight.

We are also learning the price of letting left-wing Democrats choose activist judges for crucial positions. These people simply do not care about the rule of law. They just want to punish Trump and keep Democrats in power, without regard to the cost. Well welcome to the cost. Unless the Supreme Court steps in and stops this nonsense, we will have two choices. A Democratic police state or a Republican police state.

One thing is certain, Donald Trump has zero chance of getting a fair hearing regarding any legal matter with this DOJ, this FBI, activist judges, and juries in New York City or Washington D.C. Does anyone seriously think a jury in either of these places will even consider doing anything other than punish Donald Trump, without regard to the facts?

It is time to imagine what will happen if Donald Trump is elected President, after this mess. Would anyone be surprised if he directed the FBI and the DOJ to focus on prosecuting Democrats? Is anyone naïve enough to think he will have a shortage of ammunition? While this would be devastating for the country, it would also be understandable.

Democrats and the MSM have already crossed every available line to try and destroy Trump. There are very few options left. At a minimum, there are people who really think he is a threat to Democracy and who will do anything, and I do mean anything, to stop him from being President of the United States. That should scare everyone.

2024 is hard to predict, other than to prepare for the unexpected. It is going to be that kind of year.



It is now clear that Democrats are terrified. They fear the worst-case scenario where a rapidly deteriorating Joe Biden takes down much of the Democratic Party with him. His job approval ratings are in the toilet and most Democrats want someone else, anyone else. But if one looks around, there is no one on the horizon, Joe beat everyone else in 2020, because they were all so left-wing, he looked moderate in comparison. The only two dim hints of a rising star in the DNC, Andrew Cuomo, and Gavin Newsom, have both self-destructed. Most of the other powerful Democrats make Joe Biden look like a spring chicken.

Democrats and the MSM would have us believe that Ron DeSantis is a weak candidate and a mediocre debater. Gavin Newsom thought that too, until he stupidly debated DeSantis on Hannity and was trounced so badly his wife allegedly had to pull him off the stage by his ears. Newsom was too stupid to realize he was not only getting trounced he was getting humiliated.

None of the wistful lawsuits and indictments against Trump, all in highly Democratic locations where a fair trial is not even a possibility are working. So, in an act of absolute desperation, Democrats asked the Colorado Supreme court to just remove Trump from the ballot. Why? Because he tried to overthrow the government through inciting an insurrection. None of the J6 people have been charged with insurrection. That is because there was no insurrection, just a lot of people who behaved poorly and did stupid things. At least some of them while being egged on by FBI plants. CNN may not understand this, but the American people are not that dumb. Most Democrats are not that dumb.

This will not work because the Supreme Court is going to punt the ball, right back where it started. Congress and only congress gets to decide the rules for an election. Judges do not get to ignore elections and just choose the candidate they prefer. Some are naïve or corrupt enough to try, but this cannot possibly work. Not in this country, not under this constitution.

That is why we are in Monument Valley, a deep ditch created by monumental Democratic mistakes. It is hard to imagine Democrats clawing their way out of this man-made ditch, but they will certainly try. They will try even harder to find a way to drag Donald Trump down with them. Good luck with that. The harder they try, the bigger he looks and the more pathetic they appear. It would be like David trying to kill Goliath with marshmallows.

Democrats and the MSM have already crossed every line regarding fairness during an election. They have zero interest in being fair. They are only interested in winning. They are desperate to stay in power. They will do anything to stay and everything to achieve that goal. They have zero regard for the impact on the country. They will not even consider doing the right thing for the right reason. That is what makes them so vulnerable. They cannot even recognize the truth anymore. They are even more incapable of making moral decisions. Those who believe in nothing other than themselves are incapable of even recognizing the difference between right and wrong, because they can’t even imagine being wrong about anything.

The result is that those building monuments to themselves are making monumental mistakes. Mistakes on a scale so enormous that even CNN is starting to notice. The only thing certain is that they will never give up. They will never consider putting the country first. There is nothing, and I do mean nothing, they will not consider trying if they think it has any chance of succeeding. Odds are they will fail at this too, but we must all expect the unexpected. They only thing certain is that those who are morally bankrupt always end up bankrupting themselves. This is why their biggest defeats often follow on the heels of what they consider to be their greatest victories. Like finding judges stupid enough to remove Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado.



The Democratic Party and its fawning supporters in the MSM are determined to force every Republican candidate to admit that the 2020 Presidential election was flawless, and that Joe Biden is the legitimate President of the United States. Joe Biden is the President of the United States, that is a fact. He won the only vote that mattered, which was when congress voted to accept the count of electoral college votes. Once congress certified Joe Biden as the winner of the election, nothing else mattered.

But it is absurd to pretend there was no evidence of illegal votes being counted in that election. That, in the words of Hillary Clinton, would “require the willing suspension of disbelief.” The evidence is overwhelming, it is just downplayed if not ignored.

If you have been on this planet long enough to watch election results, in any year, the pattern is always the same. The Republican typically leads in the vote count from most of the state. Then the votes “finally” come in from major metropolitan areas, and they are always overwhelming for the Democrat. The only question is whether the last-minute surge from these areas is enough to overcome the results elsewhere.

Democrats, of course, “count” on this happening. The MSM, which is increasingly liberal, cannot bring themselves to even consider the possibility that a lot of Americans disagree with them. Why that would be unthinkable. It would be the ultimate disaster to let the basket of deplorables make decisions that negatively impact the few, the proud, the self-chosen, the cultured elite.

Most of us have learned not to have much faith in political polls. Who, exactly, is participating in these polls. Do you participate in polls?  Exactly!

But even these highly suspect polls are showing some remarkable results. In every election for decades, black Americans vote for Democrats about 90% of the time. Democrats count on this. Hispanics vote from Democrats about 80% of the time. Democrats count on that too. But recent polls have shown black Americans deserting Joe Biden and the Democratic Party and the results are even worse regarding Hispanic voters. If black and Hispanic Americans vote for Donald Trump even close to what is currently being reported by recent polls, then Joe Biden has less than zero chance of getting re-elected. The real challenge for those huffing and puffing about the 2020 election being the most honest in our history is trying to explain how, exactly, anyone can possibly believe that over 80 million people voted for Joe Biden.

Democrats are also running out of money. One of the downsides of spending more than you earn is that at some point you run out of money to spend. Gavin Newsom is facing a $68 billion dollar deficit, and he can’t possibly raise taxes fast enough to solve the problem. Just think about the significance of this. The entire budget for the state of California in 2023 was $306.5 billion. This alone would require a 22% cut in spending. But, if you factor in inflation, say at 10%, then the deficit is far more significant than 22%. To keep pace with 10% inflation, California’s budget would need to be around $337 billion. But assume a $68 billion deficit, with “only” $238.50 billion available to spend. That starts to approach a 33% cut in spending. Oh my. So much for President Newsom.

That is the real cost of “Bidenomics”. While most of us who drive cars quickly notice the price of gasoline, a more significant problem is the price of other pumps. Meaning those pumps used by Democrats to throw money at people to buy votes. When Democrats run out of money, they run out of votes.

Soon and very soon the cost of “selecting” Joe Biden to be President of the United States will become increasingly obvious, even to people at CNN. While we are all paying a steep price for this error in judgement, that pales in comparison to the price likely to be paid by the Democratic Party and its fawning supporters in the MSM. The real question is not why Trump tried to stop Joe Biden from taking office, but rather why so many supposedly smart people thought this was close to a good idea. Would you rather be among those who warned us about this or those too absorbed in celebrating the humiliation of Donald Trump to notice that Joe Biden is, well, Joe Biden. If you doubt that, imagine you are Gavin Newsom trying to work with Democrats in California on mission impossible.



Those of us living in Folsom, CA watched in awe when Jake Browning played quarterback for the Folsom High School Bulldogs. They won the California State Championship and during his career he threw for over 91 touchdowns. It was remarkable.

Jake then went on to Washington and became the sole reason I rooted for the Washington, Huskies. He was extremely effective. He is not huge, but he is 6-2 and weighs 209 pounds, so he is not small either. But no NFL team thought him worthy of being drafted. He played on the practice squad for two years with Minnesota and then played on the practice squad at Cincinnati for two years. It looked like he would never get a chance. Finally, this year, he became the backup for Joe Burrows. When Joe Burrows was hurt, Jake finally got a chance to start in the NFL. His first game was not that great, but in watching that game and the start of the recent game with Jacksonville, it was obvious that the coach called a very conservative and predictable game with predictable results. Then, suddenly, he apparently decided to give Jake a chance. The result was a stunning performance only equaled six times in the last 20 years, by people like Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Peyton Manning. It was not just good; it rocked the sports world.

Brock Purdy was the final pick of the 2022 NFL draft. He finally got a chance to start because both Trey Lance and Jimmie Garoppolo were injured. Since then, he has set the NFL world on fire, and many consider him to be the one of the very best quarterbacks playing today. Brock Purdy isn’t huge either, but he is 6’1” and weighs 202 pounds, so he isn’t small either.

This is just another classic example of the “experts” getting it very, very wrong. None of the experts predicted this. Both men were only given a chance because of injuries to people considered to be far superior. But when given their chance, both proved the experts wrong.

Today we live in a time where the unelected and often ill-informed celebrities in the media try to lecture us regarding their unsurpassed wisdom and perception. The result is that often the best performers are ignored and replaced by people far less capable and in some cases blatantly incompetent. There is no better example of that then Joe Biden. He is President of the United States because of a conspiracy by the Democratic Party and the MSM. Even if you swallow the nonsense about there being no voting irregularities during the 2020 election, the real conspiracy was to absolutely ignore the red flag warnings about Joe Biden while foaming at the mouth even the hint of a problem with Donald Trump. This included not only ignoring the hard-core evidence on the hard drive stupidly left with a repair shop by Hunter Biden, but literally claiming this was part of Russia misinformation, which is and was absurd.  If the MSM had just reported honestly regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, Joe Biden would have lost in a landslide.

The same was true regarding COVID 19. The so-called experts got almost everything wrong. For example, Trump was slammed for putting together a strategy to develop a vaccine. This was considered extremely dangerous, until Biden was selected, then the vaccine became a gift from God and a plan was developed to force everyone to take it, without regard to actual risk from COVID 19 and even less regard to the risk from the vaccine. Now I willingly got the vaccine, because of my age. However, if I had been 30, not so much.  Trump was pushed into implementing a national shutdown. One should note that the reason for this shutdown was to “delay” the spread of COVID until the medical community could gear up. But when the delay worked, that was ignored and instead the experts insisted on shutting down our schools and we couldn’t even go to Costco without being confronted by the mask nazis. The results were disastrous for the economy, for our educational system and most importantly, for Donald Trump. When Biden was “selected” his mission was to reverse every Trump policy in the shortest period of time without even attempting to find out if some of them were working. Most of them were working. If Joe Biden had done nothing except eat ice cream in his basement and refuse to return phone calls, he might now be considered one of our best Presidents.

Now the same experts who were wrong about Biden, wrong about Purdy, and wrong about Browning are now trying to choose our next set of leaders. They absolutely hate Ron DeSantis which should instantly be grounds for elevating his status. They love Nikki Haley, which should give us all pause. They hate Donald Trump with a passion that would be stunning, if it were focused on something that would possibly help someone, somewhere.

But the good news is that those who are consistently wrong are consistently wrong and no matter how loud they scream or how much airtime they get on TV, they are still wrong. Eventually life intervenes and it becomes embarrassingly obvious. I still like to watch football, but absolutely cannot stand the “pre-game” shows. Like the one that had three of the five experts predicting Iowa would beat Michigan. Even Urban Meyer, former head coach at Ohio State who despises the entire state of Michigan was not that stupid. (I did not watch this, but enjoyed the picture of them showing who they picked to win.)

I don’t know who the nominee for President in either party will be and neither do you. The people most likely to be wrong about this are those who are always wrong. But sometimes God intervenes and those who were never even considered a possible option suddenly emerge from the mist with stunning results. Purdy and Browning are two examples of that, but this is not limited to quarterbacks in the NFL. Mike Johnson might be another example of that. Republicans just may have picked a Speaker of the House driven more by moral courage than political correctness. It would be wise not to underestimate him.

If you doubt this, check out the picture of the private jet, frozen to a runway in Germany, because of the snowstorm caused by climate change (global warming) making someone late getting to Dubai in time to hear John Kerry fart while lecturing the rest of us regarding excess gas emissions. And who says God doesn’t have a sense of humor? Purdy good. Browning good. Those too stupid to recognize the obvious, not so much.



What is the fastest way to stop global warming? Easy, Schedule a meeting in one of those places reportedly having record heat, only to encounter a massive snowstorm. This is the same way to stop a drought in California. Announce that the drought is now permanent and irreversible, only to have it rain constantly over the next winter.

This is why the people who want the rest of us to buy this nonsense scheduled their meeting in Dubai, where it is 85 degrees. They hoped no one would notice that if you really are concerned about global warming, you wouldn’t fly all those carbon emitting jet planes to one of the hottest places on the planet. I mean if it is too hot in International Falls, Minnesota, then places like Dubai must be close to uninhabitable. Of course, if you go to Dubai, you see all these high-rise buildings, with air conditioning, powered by gas generators.

The host of the United Nations’ COP28 climate change summit was Sultan Al-Jaber, CEO of United Arab Emirates state oil company, ADNOC. He said the following in November:

“There is no science out there, or no scenario out there, that says that the phase-out of fossil fuel is what’s going to achieve 1.5C.” He also pointed out that phasing out fossil fuels would “take the world back into caves.

Naturally the usual group of “scientists” described this as “an extraordinary, revealing, worrying and belligerent exchange.” What they didn’t do, because it does not exist, is provide actual scientific studies supporting their positions. There is a big difference between following the science, and following people who pretend to do scientific research. History has shown us that many prominent scientists were very wrong. However, true scientific studies disclosed often inconvenient truths ignored by those who are seldom right, but in their own opinion, never wrong.

In the meantime, at least some of the people traveling to Dubai to bitch about global warming, were stuck in Munich, Germany. Germany did not get the global warming memo. One would think that the decision to change global warming to climate change would be an important clue. But the game of Clue was never intended for the “clueless.”

Here’s a short quiz. “Suppose you are in an electric car caught in a snowstorm? You ran out of electricity. There are no electric tow trucks, so you must wait for a gas-powered tow truck to take you to the nearest charging station. When you get there the line is three miles long and it takes 42 hours to charge your car. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

In the meantime, your car has no heater. And, by the way, when an electric car loses power, sometimes that automatically locks all the doors. So, it can be a challenge to just get out of the car, assuming you had someplace to go.

There are lot of signs that people aren’t buying this anymore. They certainly aren’t buying electric vehicles. Those are great for people who have other cars, powered by gas. They are great for people more interested in saving money on taxes than in saving money. But for mere mortals, who need their cars to go someplace at a reasonable speed for a reasonable cost, not so much. States like California gave huge tax incentives to install solar. But then they realized that people with solar panels weren’t generating enough income for the state from taxes on electricity. So, they started requiring a minimum fee to stay connected to the power grid you no longer need. The reality is that the desire of a liberal government for people to switch to solar power disappears overnight if it conflicts with the insatiable appetite for increased tax revenues.

Solar power is great, and necessary, in California. You must be rich enough to afford solar panels so you can spend enough money to stop giving PG&E half your paycheck each month. But solar power in Michigan, where the sun seldom shines for six to seven months of the year, is not that great. The University of Michigan built a solar house.  Check out this 459 sq ft beauty.

Solar house built by University of Michigan solar team up for bid (

Predictably someone on CNN will explain how that snowstorm in Germany was caused by climate change (global warming). They hope that no one will notice that none of those $20 million ocean front homes owned by rich liberals like Obama are building sea walls. They also aren’t building them in Miami or San Francisco or anywhere else. The Maldives, which are supposed be sinking because of rising sea levels, are building enormous ocean front resorts:

THE 10 BEST Hotels in Maldives, Asia 2023 (from $43) – Tripadvisor

If you vacation there, for about $2,000 a night, you might just encounter renowned climate scientists like Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg, taking a break from her “pro-Hamas” demonstrations. (”Rin Tin Tin anyone?” “wolf, wolf”) They will tell you all about climate change (global warming), before rolling over to apply more sunscreen.

But look around you. More and more people are trusting their lying eyes more than the serial liars attempting to lead the Democratic Party and their supporting staff in the MSM. Just consider this. The biggest argument against Donald Trump is that he told the big lie about the 2020 election. The big lie that the election was riddled with systemic fraud. The problem is that each day there is more and more evidence of systemic fraud. The odor of fraud is so overwhelming that even some Democrats have noticed. Imagine attempting to re-elect someone as pathetic as Joe Biden, only to be confronted by millions of people who think Joe was inflicted on us by systemic fraud directed by the Democratic Party and embraced by the naïve liberal socialists masquerading as journalists in the MSM.  Fun to watch, but it is Snow Joke.



When I first learned about the proposed debate between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom, moderated by Sean Hannity, it seemed hard to imagine. No one would confuse Sean Hannity with being moderate about anything. It is hard to imagine why Gavin Newsom thought this was a good idea.

Gavin Newsom was already in serious trouble because, well, California is in serious trouble. When we moved from California to Florida in May of last year, our moving company could not find a truck driver willing to make the trip. Getting someone to leave California to go to Florida is easy. Convincing them to make a return trip is a major challenge. Incredibly, this was so bad our “moving truck” ended up being shipped on a train.  There is reportedly a similar trouble with U-Haul trucks. Lot of them leaving California, not so many returning.

A lot of people underestimate Ron DeSantis. We saw him personally while he was campaigning for re-election as governor of Florida. He is a lot better speaker and debater than is portrayed in the MSM. I didn’t want DeSantis to run for President for two reasons. One is that we wanted to keep him as our Governor. The second is that he is too young. He is only 45 years old. If he wins election and serves 8 years as President, he will be in his early 50s, with no place left to go. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

But he is running and that means Republicans must choose between Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, or someone else, or in other words, Nikki Haley. Democrats are desperate to get rid of Trump and if they could replace him with Nikki Haley, win-win. She is the ideal Republican candidate. Almost certain to lose, and if she did win, certain to cave on principles to compromise with Democrats. The person they fear is DeSantis. They are doing everything possible to bring him down, including the usual distortions of his record and ridiculous insults. When you see those polls showing him in decline, always remember who does those polls and consider how accurate they have been in previous elections.

The debate was remarkable. It was a welcome relief from the previous fiascos masquerading as rational debate. Hannity allowed too much silly bickering between the two candidates, but it still provided the opportunity to make their case. Newsom was better than I expected, but he had a serious problems. One, he was trying to pretend Joe Biden is doing a good job. That alone was a bridge too far. Another was that he really believes Democratic talking points are based on actual evidence. They aren’t. The only people who believe Democratic talking points are people too stupid to matter. Finally it is impossible to ignore the stench of the mess he has created in California. The result was that DeSantis absolutely skewered him on several occasions. Hannity said they both would stay another 20 minutes, only to come back after a commercial break to say they both had prior commitments. Seriously who bought that? There are reports that it was Newsom’s wife who called an end to the debate. Although Gavin thought he did great, she knew better and took action to convince him to get up off the floor and stop the bleeding.

If you watched any of the snippets from the debate the vast majority are of Ron DeSantis sticking it too Newsom. Granted he had the easier task because there were so many targets of opportunity. Then Newsom did something guaranteed to elevate Ron DeSantis in the polls. He suggested DeSantis withdraw so Nikki Haley could defeat Donald Trump. Republicans are often stupid, but seldom dumb enough to take advice from someone like Gavin Newsom regarding who should be our the Republican nominee. What’s next, an endorsement from Putin?

The bottom line is that Newsom should go home, try to fix “something” in California and hope that he can put enough time and distance beyond this disaster to try and rescue the last remaining shreds of his once promising political career. He went from the inside track to the outhouse, and he was put there by a man he considers to be intellectually inferior.

DeSantis did miss an opportunity. When Newsom said he was following the science; DeSantis should have said the results prove Newsom can’t even define science. He keeps doing the same things, proven to be ineffective, over and over again, only to be shocked when he gets the exact same results. That is not the definition of science, it is the definition of insanity.



One thing is always true regarding hostages. The person holding someone or something hostage has little regard for the safety or welfare of the hostage. The hostage only has value to the extent it can be used to extort payment from those who do value the hostage.

The pattern is always similar. The hostage is used to extort payment that would otherwise never be considered. If payment is not received, the hostage taker has no moral qualms about just killing the hostage. To them, the hostage is simply the means to an end. However, history teaches us that if we negotiate with hostage takers, it just encourages more people to take hostages. Sadly, sometimes the only way to stop hostage takers is to be willing to risk or even lose a hostage in the process.

Hamas is losing the war with Israel but winning the PR contest. They have a lot of people who should know better cheering on Israel for negotiating with the hostage takers, even when the demands are patently absurd. Here Israel is giving Hamas a desperately needed opportunity to regroup so they can prepare to attack again. Israel is gaining the release of fifty women and children held hostage. Hamas is gaining the return of about 150 Palestinian women and children currently held in Israeli jails. Hamas is more than willing to put innocent civilians, including children in harm’s way. They often use civilians as human shields. So, odds are the value of these “Israeli” prisoners is other than humanitarian.

To put this in perspective, in 2011 Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas Leader in Israel, was released after 23 years in Israel prisons as part of a “prisoner exchange.” It is reported that Yahya Sinwar is the number one target for Israel in Gaza today.

Ironically, it is Democrats who are screaming for negotiating with hostage takers. Perhaps they understand this better because Democrats are famous for taking hostages during negotiations with Republicans. The latest example of this was when Kevin McCarthy caved and gave Democrats what they wanted in a temporary spending bill. Democrats were willing to hold up pay, worldwide, for our military personnel in exchange for getting what they wanted. Real class. The MSM, rather than point out the obvious hostage taking, cheered on Republicans for caving to Democratic demands. This appears to happen in every negotiation with Democrats regarding spending. Democrats are willing to sacrifice things that have bi-partisan support to get increased funding for things Republicans strongly oppose. Just think about that for a minute. This is why it is nearly impossible to get any administration to cut unnecessary spending.

Each of us has seen this play out on the local level. When Democrats want to raise taxes, they always say this is necessary to prevent cuts to law enforcement, public safety, and schools. This is also hostage taking because they are cutting things with bi-partisan support in exchange for increased spending on other pet projects often out of touch with the priorities of the people they pretend to represent.

Sadly, this almost always works because Republicans routinely cave when confronted with hostages. One reason for this is that the MSM, which is increasingly left wing and overwhelmingly Democrats, NEVER even recognizes who is holding hostages and who is not.

You see this playing out right now. There is bi-partisan support for Israel, but Democrats and RINO Republicans are willing to hold this aid hostage until they can obtain more funds to waste on corruption in The Ukraine. While no one supports Russia invading Ukraine, the sad reality is that there is very little confidence that the amount of money we are spending is focused on defeating Russian. There is systemic corruption, which is to be expected because The Ukraine is famous for systemic corruption.

The MSM views any cutting of aid to The Ukraine as rewarding Russia, without even considering whether this aid is being used responsibly to achieve the goal of defeating Russia. The most irresponsible decision would be to allow Russia to gain more territory in The Ukraine as it did previously in Crimea. But it is equally irresponsible to keep sending money, used poorly, only to end up with identical results.

Winston Churchill faced a horrible dilemma shortly after being elected Prime Minister. There were British Troops, trapped in France but there were hundreds of thousands of troops trapped in Dunkirk. Churchill had to notify the commanders in France that there would be no assistance coming, despite the desperate situation, because he had to try and save the troops in Dunkirk. That had to have been a heart rendering, but necessary decision. This is like when he learned about the firebomb attack scheduled for Coventry, but he allowed that attack to proceed without even giving warning to the residents. The alleged reason he did that is that he felt he could not risk letting Germany know that Great Britain was reading its codes. I would never want to be personally confronted with this kind of decision but recognize that somethings these types of decisions are absolutely necessary.

We better learn who has the courage to do the necessary to stop hostage takers. This is always bitter and painful, but far less bitter and painful than allowing hostage takers to profit from their evil plans.



One of the problems with a strategy based on false assumptions is that at some point it is destined to fail. One of the best examples of this was the spectacular collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge. Leon Moisseiff designed it to give the bridge a sleeping appearance without utilizing stiffening trusses. The bridge followed all the safety standards of the time during the design and construction and its “oscillations” were considered to be falling within acceptable limits: Unfortunately, all those safety standards were based on false assumptions.

Collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge: A Case Study – The Constructor

The bridge was doomed from day one and only lasted 4 months. The video of “Galloping Gertie,” even before the famous collapse, revealed problems that were increasingly impossible to ignore. Yet some people still tried to cross the bridge at the worse possible time anyway. You can see them clearly; they are the ones running for their lives.

It is interesting to contrast this with the Mackinac Bridge, which spans the gap between the Upper and Lower Peninsulas of Michigan. I remember taking the ferry across the straits of Mackinac while the bridge was being built. The five-mile trip took about an hour, but we often spent hours waiting in line to board the ferry. Imagine waiting in line for 8 to 10 hours in freezing temperatures to take an hour-long turbulent ferry ride. Easy for me because it happened to our family on more than one occasion.

Today, we are seeing imminent failure on the horizon, due to questionable planning based on false assumptions. While the liberal left and their fawning supporters in the media have desperately tried to conceal the obvious, the cover-up is falling apart faster than the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

It turns out that criminals are, well, criminals, and “hoping” they will stop being criminals if you pretend, they are not really criminals has not exactly been a great success.

Anyone remotely familiar with the tradition of election fraud in large metropolitan areas controlled by Democrats was not surprised by what happened during the 2020 election. The surprise was the willingness of so many supposedly smart people to pretend that what was obviously true was “misinformation.”  That is particularly true when so many people, including Democrats, acknowledged that widespread vote by mail was a receipt for systemic fraud. The theoretical absence of voter fraud was supported by the reluctance of courts to get involved in election disputes. But pretending something did not happen does not mean it did not happen. It just means that at some point the truth will become too obvious to ignore. Ironically, it turns out that Democrats who recently felt betrayed by the system may have produced the evidence that was too strong even for liberal judges to ignore. The more we learn about the 2020 election, the more obvious who has been lying about it. Now Democrats have a fundamental problem in that not only did they support someone as plain awful as Joe Biden, but they also had to resort to wholesale cheating to push him over the starting line. Earth to the liberal left, if you are going to lie and cheat to get someone elected, try to limit your choices to someone at least potentially competent.

The attack on Israel by Hamas opened a lot of eyes. While all Muslims are not terrorists, and not all terrorists are Muslim, it is ridiculous to pretend there is no relationship with Islam and terrorism. The most important question is this. What would have happened if Israel wanted to wipe out the Palestinians in Gaza? The answer is they would have succeeded because Israel is clearly capable of doing exactly that. Instead, Israel vacated Gaza and even removed the graves of previous Jewish settlers. What would have happened if Hamas took control of Israel? The answer is that they would make Hitler look like an amateur.

Look around you. There are galloping Gerties all around. At least some of them will fail. This failure is likely to be spectacular. Every time liberals have taken over a country things have deteriorated to the extent that it becomes impossible to ignore. They always lose big time in a future election. The only exception is in countries where liberals manage to eliminate fair and honest elections. Sound familiar?