Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate and love are closely related. They both require one to be obsessed with someone else. In addition, the size of the person is directly proportional to the size of the person or thing that they hate. When someone is dominated by hate, or love, it is difficult for rational thought.
This is why Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”) is so devastating to those afflicted by it. They are so obsessed with him that they are incapable of rational thought. The MSM filled with TDS is incapable of even recognizing factual information. Everything he says or does is distorted to make him appear as despicable as possible. In addition to mindlessly repeating Democrat talking points, some even parrot idiotic accusations like calling him a dictator, fascist or even a reincarnated Hitler. This has also been done by his political opponents, so obsessed with him that they couldn’t respond rationally. The result was that they were so sure everyone else would hate him too that they tried to beat him with first Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris, without recognizing the simple reality that neither of them is qualified to manage a McDonalds. No one, and I do mean no one, wishes that Kamala Harris was sitting in the Oval Office.
Ironically, TDS has resulted in Trump being almost immune to criticism, even when warranted. He is far from perfect, but the opposition to him is so perfectly awful, that even credible complaints are ignored if promulgated by the usual suspects. Mitt Romney, for example, was so filled with TDS that he even voted to impeach him and remove him from office. That resulted, not in the destruction of Donald Trump, but rather the end of Mitt Romney’s political career.
All of the MSM outlets that focused 24/7 on TDS are shredding viewers and losing money. Even the rich liberals who want to support them are tired of losing money and credibility. TDS is expensive.
Ironically, the result is that today we have possibly the most powerful President in history. He has surrounded himself with people chosen for their competence and their commitment to his agenda. The world is literally flocking to the White House to publicly kiss his ring. Even King Charles just sent him a personal, handwritten invitation for a State visit to Great Britain. The people inflicted with TDS must be writhing in pain.
Everyone who has paid any attention knows that the federal bureaucracy is out of control. It is obvious that at least some federal workers are doing close to nothing because they believed that could never be fired and could just coast along waiting for that beloved federal retirement program. The bureaucracy has had an almost unlimited amount of funds to spend on anything they wanted, and few people even noticed and certainly didn’t care.
When Trump was in office during his first term, at least some of these people deliberately sabotaged him believing that he was only the temporary occupant of the White House, while they could continue forever. He is proving them wrong.
That has all changed in a little over a month. Elon Musk is tracking down the money and he is also exposing ghost employees. The secret flow of funds to liberal Democrat politicians has dried up overnight. The Trump cabinet is firing non-productive people and replacing them with people committed to the Trump agenda. The Democrat Party has morphed into a shrinking cluster of emotionally disturbed people too obsessed with TDS to do anything other than shriek and scream nonsense.
The DOJ and the FBI are led by serious people who will pursue real criminals. Those who broke the law in a failed effort to destroy Trump may just learn this the hard way.
I wonder when, if ever, those blinded by TDS, will realize that this is EXACTLY what Trump wanted. He lives inside their heads, leaving them with little if any room for rational thought. When Trump sees this level of hate, he loves it because in his case hating him makes for perfect opponents, those most likely to lose.