Sarah Palin is the face of the Republican Party.  The main stream media is pouring over her e-mails as Governor of Alaska and finding out that Sarah Palin is a very nice person, who did a good job.  They didn’t find the naïve idiot they expected.  Instead they found someone pretty focused on doing a good job as Governor, yet at the same time, a remarkably nice person.  At the same time people were inventing conspiracy theories about her son Trig, she wrote an e-mail to her friends saying that he was a gift from God and she looked upon him as a blessing rather than a burden.  Remarkable!

On the other hand, the face of the Democratic Party is Anthony Weiner.  Each day we wake up to more coverage and more disgusting details about his personal life.   Less than a year ago, this was the fresh new face of the Democratic Party.  They were already talking about him as a future major of New York, future Governor New York and perhaps future President of the United States.  This is similar to what happened with Obama.  Weiner gave an exciting speech and the main stream media wets their pants in the excitement, failing to recognize that the speech was a big lie.  He spoke with passion and that is all that mattered.  Now, of course, Weiner is literally melting down before our eyes.   He was exposed for who is really is, a two-bit narcissistic opportunist with little real substance.

The contrast between the two could not be starker.  Weiner is a whiner that cares only about himself.  He is a loser in every sense of the word.  Each new revelation just peels away another layer of paint revealing a very ugly person.  Sarah Palin is a winner and the exact opposite happened.  As the false layers of paint slapped on by the hateful main stream media are stripped away we find a brilliant leader and a beautiful person.  They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  Right now the picture of the Democratic Party is Anthony Weiner and the picture of the Republican Party is Sarah Palin.