Barry Bonds was convicted on obstruction of justice.  He was not convicted of perjury.  He may have lied, but there was not enough evidence to prove that.  Instead, the jurors convicted Barry Bonds for giving a BS answer to a question.  In the words of the jurors, Bonds told a story rather than answer a clear yes or no question.  The link to the story from CBS News is here:


If the same standard is applied to Obama, he did the same identical thing recently in response to a question from George Stephanopoulos.   (Most politicians routinely fail this standard.Obama was asked about Trump’s rise in the polls, achieved as a result of riding “fantasies” about Obama’s place of birth.  Following is the link to the story:


Once again, the main stream media starts out by pretending there is no legitimate controversy regarding Obama’s birth certificate.  Following is Obama’s response:

I think that over the last two and a half years, there’s been an effort to go at me in a way that is politically expedient in the short term for Republicans but creates I think a problem for them when they want to actually run in the general election, where most people feel pretty confident the president was born where he says he was, in Hawaii,” Obama replied. “He doesn’t have horns.”

It is interesting to note that Barack Obama does not say, “I was born in Hawaii.”  Instead, he says:  “Most people feel pretty confident the President was born where he says he was, in Hawaii.”   This is strange wording.  Most people would say, “I was born in Hawaii.”  It is almost as if Obama considers the President to be a different person.   Weird!

The following article from The American Thinker is an excellent summary of the facts about Obama’s birth certificate: 


I have always believed that the real problem is not where Obama was born, but rather the long history of cover-up.  If The American Thinker article is accurate, it is entirely possible that the birth certificate released by the Obama campaign is a forgery.   The State of Hawaii has never verified that certificate.  Instead, the Director of the Hawaii Department of Health issued two statements, both of which are bizarrely ambiguous.  If the birth certificate produced by Obama was accurate, what was the point?  Obama had already disclosed every piece of information on that certificate.  How could he possibly be damaged by someone verifying information he has already disclosed himself?  One very good explanation would be if the State of Hawaii didn’t issue that certificate.  Then, even if every bit of information on that certificate, other than the certificate number and date of issue, was accurate, it would still be an illegal forgery.

Karl Rove said that Donald Trump is a “joke” candidate because he is focused on Obama’s birth certificate.  Rove is no fool, but neither is Donald Trump.  One of them is really wrong on this one.   I suspect it is Rove, primarily because Trump probably has access to information that is not available to Karl Rove.  If any of the stores about Barack Obama’s background are true, then at some point it will all come out.

In the meantime, Obama continues to “obstruct justice.”  The real question is how long people are willing to let him get away with it.  My guess is that the end is nearer than we think.  If Obama was doing a great job as President, perhaps this might just slide.  He isn’t and it won’t.



  1. I honestly think that most people feel as I do. We, as individuals, can do nothing until election time. Our complaints fall on deaf ears to our congressmen and Justices and also to the illustrious “Electoral College”, the entity to which we all entrust our votes! The political powers that be have finally amassed enough clout that they also control a majority of the media from which we all have to get our current view of the world. Aside from a revolution against our increasingly corrupt government, which it is taking steps to prevent the possibility of by trying to disarm the public, I see no real hope of untangling the mess in the near future! We have become “Hog-tied” by our own short-sightedness.

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