Those of us old enough still treasure the memory of Peter Finch playing crazed newscaster Howard Beale.  In the movie, Network, released in 1979, Howard suddenly starts shouting:  “I’m mad as hell & I’m not going to take it anymore!”

Currently, we are experiencing another Howard Beale moment.  Glenn Beck was the original Howard Beale, but while he got great ratings, he was too easy for the main stream media to ignore.  Donald Trump has picked up the torch and that is a much more serious threat.  Trump is saying he won’t take it anymore with regard to the obvious cover-up of Obama’s personal history.  While the news media started out “shocked” they are quickly learning that Trump has touched a nerve.

Today there is a major headline with regard to which banks were loaned money by the Fed in October of 2008:

Bernanke even gave money to Libya.  Nice!  I can’t imagine anything that will piss off an already pissed off American electorate more than that. 

But the real story is that this is just the first of numerous Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) requests blocked by the Obama administration.   The pattern of the Obama administration has been to block the release of any documents about anything, just like he has blocked release of his birth certificate.  The following link shows the pattern:

The main stream media, including Fox, has ignored all the warning signs.  Obama has been given a free pass from day one.  When you think about it, it is ridiculous that we have elected someone President of the United States and no one really even checked to see if he was eligible to run for office.  He has refused to release documentation on any of his personal history and people have ignored huge red flags, like suspect selective service registration documents, potentially fraudulent Social Security Numbers, a questionable academic record, surrender of his law license, a missing birth certificate, radical friends and disappearing legislative records.  He is a product of the Chicago political system, which is considered to be one of the most corrupt in the country.  The last three governors were indicted.  There is even a well-documented story of how he purchased his home with a highly questionable sweetheart deal from Tony Rezko, who is in prison as we speak for bribing public officials.  Yet somehow the main stream media never even considered the possibility of corruption on the part of Barack Obama.

But now, finally, real documents are starting to get released.  With Darrell Issa Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, with subpoena power, expect a lot more.  So far the releases, like wikileaks, are mostly embarrassing.  But future releases could be much worse. 

Recently Herman Cain joined in the chorus in support of Donald Trump:

Orly Taitz also just filed another lawsuit regarding Obama.  She is often criticized for doing substandard legal work, but her recent lawsuit includes some very interesting exhibits.  The first is with regard to a Social Security Number used by Barack Obama that, according to official records, was never issued to anyone.  The second appears to be an official record from Columbia University verifying Obama’s degree.  It also shows that date of attendance is from September 1, 1982 to May 31, 1983.  Obama said he attended there from September 1981 to May 31, 1983.  That would appear to indicate that we are missing an entire year of his life.  Who knows?  The point is that once again, with regard to Obama, there are more questions than answers. 

Bill “O’Reilly tried to brush Trump aside by saying there were contemporary birth announcements regarding Obama in the Honolulu newspaper.  Karl Rove, who is a very bright guy, says that Trump is stupid to pursue this.  But, Donald Trump is not stupid and he is certainly not delusional.  Instead he is a very dangerous man.  He is an experienced business man who knows there is no substitute for proper documentation.  There is a reason why states issue official birth certificates just like they issue official death certificates.  There is a reason why most of us have had to produce our birth certificate on several occasions to enroll in school, to register to vote, to apply for a passport or get a social security number.  The next time you try to get on a plane intending to travel overseas, try doing that with a newspaper clipping of your birth announcement as a substitute for a passport.  Of course screening someone before they board an international flight is obviously more important than verifying whether or not they are eligible to be President of the United States. 

A lot of people in the media have speculated as to why Donald Trump continues to pursue Obama’s birth certificate.  They come up with all kinds of explanations, except the obvious.  Trump told them and they didn’t listen.  He has seen fraud before, he knows the warning signs, and he is too smart to be distracted.  We’ve only just begun.  Fasten your seatbelts.  I think with Donald Trump we may have reached the “Beale Point” where a whole lot of people are going start shouting, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”


One thought on “BEALE POINT

  1. The problem as I see it is that the only people mad as hell are the general public who as individuals are powerless except through our elected (obviously corrupt) representatives. We elect presidents and congress on what they promise while trying to ignore the things we know they cannot do. The new speaker of the house was not for taking our weapons until he became speaker, then he made an abrupt about face. Our President is obviously hiding everything about himself which would make him a prime candidate for impeachment. Meanwhile he is trying to force feed us everything in an agenda which will take this country under. We only get a chance to voice our opinions every four years, then the electoral “college” simply ignores our wishes. As long as the voters will only turn out 10 to 15 % at election, I don’t hold much hope. I only hope this is not God’s way of telling us ” I warned you this would happen if you turned your back on me!”

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