The following article, from Jack Cashill is very interesting:


It is hard for me to believe that this is possibly true.   I mean this is really easy to check out.  Either Obama used this social security number or he didn’t.  This is either a valid social security number or it isn’t.  How is it possible that we elected someone President of the United States with this type of question about his background?  But then for some reason neither the main stream media, or fox news, or even people like Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are bringing this up.  What am I missing here?  If there is no fire, what is the source of all the smoke?  If this was just one thing, maybe you could dismiss it, but it isn’t just one thing.  It is everything about him.  Nothing ever seems to really add up. 

Today Donald Trump raised questions about Obama’s birth.  At a minimum this will make it a topic of conversation for a little while.  Of course when the economy is tanking, Gadhafi is gloating, Japan is melting and gas is soaring, there are a lot of other things to talk about.

This is utter nonsense.  These kind of stories, which go on and on, are either true or they aren’t.  If they aren’t, then someone should shut these people up.  If they are, then someone should pay attention.  But it seems no one who matters really cares.  Perhaps I am missing something, but I sure don’t know what it is.