Matt Gaetz withdrew from consideration to be the next Attorney General. Sadly, this was predictable because of the ethics committee investigation of him. I doubt that he was guilty of a crime, but he clearly was guilty of some very poor personal decisions. Once again, the MSM missed this one big time.

The following article from the USA Today, published today at 3:39 p.m. listed the following as the top candidates for Attorney General.

The top choices were Todd Blanche, Mike Lee, Ken Paxton, and  Kash Patel. One suspects that the candidates proposed by USA Today were the people they “hoped” Trump would nominate.  Who knows? USA Today has not exactly been very accurate in predicting anything recently. But Trump chose Pam Bondi, and that choice went off like a bomb. She clearly has the necessary experience, with 18 years as a prosecutor and 8 years as Attorney General of Florida. Unlike Matt Gaetz, she will be confirmed in a walk.

That sound you hear is of people like Christopher Wray throwing up. If you thought Matt Gaetz was going to tear up the establishment at the FBI, well stand by for the atomic Bondi. The difference is that she has a lot more pertinent experience without the baggage. My hunch is that a lot of Democrats are wishing they could somehow turn back the clock and get Matt Gaetz back. Even if he had been confirmed, which seems unlikely, there would have been unified opposition to him. That is going to be a lot harder with Bondi.

This is such an obviously great choice that one wonders if this wasn’t Trump’s plan from the start. Trump had to know that Matt Gaetz was a long shot. The ethics investigation was hanging over Gaetz’s head, with or without this Attorney General nomination. This gave Gaetz the opportunity to resign from congress and end the ethics committee investigation. Now that he has resigned from congress it is questionable as to whether they can legally do release any information.

MSNBC, which is close to disappearing, finally got something right.

College professor and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson warned that President-Elect Donald Trump’s new pick to lead the Justice Department should spark “fear” among the left because she could actually execute his agenda.

Of course this person is concerned that Pam Bondi:  “ushers in an authoritarian type of presidency that affects the fundamental rights of American citizens,” 

Close, but no cigar. She will transform the DOJ and the FBI back to what was always intended. A competent law enforcement agency, not focused on political correctness or in the case of the Biden Administration, weaponization of the justice system. Nothing scares the liberal left more. Hold on to your seat belts, we are in for a ride.