Perhaps the silliest speech in the history of the U.S. Senate was given by Chuck Schumer who begged Republicans to not “give up on bipartisanship.” The reality is that Democrats have ignored bipartisanship for a long time. When George H. W. Bush became President, he famously promised no new taxes. Democrats demanded hikes in gas taxes and other taxes in exchange for spending cuts. Ultimately, breaking this promise resulted in the election of Bill Clinton.

Democrats have forgotten and the MSM ignores the inconvenient fact that neither President John F. Kennedy, nor Lyndon B. Johnson could have passed their civil right legislation without Republican support. It was Everett Dirksen, who helped write and pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1968. It was southern Democrats who fought this tooth and nail and even filibustered to try and stop it. Incredibly the MSM gave all the credit to the Democrats who fought Civil Rights and falsely portrayed Republicans as racists. A misperception that continues to this day.

Historically, whenever there was a new President, there was a bi-partisan agreement to let him govern. This was often called the honeymoon period. Traditionally former Presidents refused to criticize their replacement, at least publicly. Bill Clinton broke that tradition. George W. Bush reinstated it. Barack Obama never considered it. Instead, he did everything possible to sabotage Donald Trump before he took office and weaponized the DOJ and the Intelligence communities to continue this sabotage throughout the Trump Presidency. Democrats even impeached him, twice. Key members of the intelligence committee lied about Russian collusion and they collaborated with the MSM to hide the Hunter Biden laptop. If the American public knew the truth about Hunter Biden, Joe would have lost in a landslide.

During the entire Trump Presidency Democrats never consider cooperating with him on anything. Instead, they would hold the annual budget hostage until stupid Republicans gave in to Democratic demands, for the greater good. This happened time after time, Republicans would try to collaborate with Democrats on bi-partisan issues, but Democrats ALWAYS refused to bargain. Republican’s predictably caved. This is one reason Matt Gaetz was so angry with Kevin McCarthy. It was why the gang of eight voted to remove him as Speaker of the House. It is why it took so long for Republicans to agree on Mike Johnson. Mike Johnson also surrendered to Democrats to get critical spending bills passed. But it is now clear, with a Republican majority in the House and the Senate that it is no longer necessary to surrender to those who believe that bipartisanship means giving them what they want, without regard to the impact on the country. Now the only compromise necessary is with a handful of RINO Senators. Mitch Romney is gone. With a three-vote majority, and a Vice President J.D. Vance who can break any ties, the ability of these RINOs to surrender has diminished greatly.

Donald Trump has learned his lesson. He is not interested in cooperating  with those who never considered cooperating with him. This country has paid an extremely high price because of RINO Republicans who foolishly thought there was merit in compromising with the unacceptable. As Barry Goldwater said: “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”

The speed at which Trump is assembling his cabinet and his decision to avoid members of the Washington establishment shows that we are entering a new era of bye partisanship. That is a good thing. It is about time.