Most of you are aware of Hurricane Helene. It did an incredible amount of damage. While those of us living in the Tampa area did not experience hurricane force winds, people living along the cost were pummeled by the 8 ft. storm surge. I have friends whose homes were a near total loss because of the high water.

Prior to 1983, Casey Key and Siesta Key was separated by an inlet. But in 1983, the Army Corps of Engineers decided to deepen Sarasota Bay as part of the intercoastal waterway, and they deposited the dredged material in the inlet. Two property owners finished the job.

People have been griping about this for decades. Few listened. Michael Jenkins, an engineer with Applied Technology and Management was asked about this on September 10th, 2024, and he said the following:

County takes a pass on alternative to opening Midnight Pass | Your Observer

“I’m fully aware of the history of Midnight Pass,” Jenkins said. “It is well known within coastal engineering circles in Florida. It is a well-known discussion that’s gone on for many decades.” Instead of just reopening the inlet, Jenkins suggested pumping water from the Gulf into the bay at strategic locations to dilute pollutants.

County takes a pass on alternative to opening Midnight Pass | Your Observer

Well guess what. God made the decision for them, because low and behold Hurricane Helene, in addition to trashing beachfront property, reopened Midnight Pass.

Hurricane Helene reopens Midnight Pass, naturally ends controversy for now (

Some boaters have allegedly already used the new/old short cut to the Gulf of Mexico.

Sometimes, it appears as though God has a sense of humor. I mean people have been bitching about this for over 40 years, and God appears to have fixed the problem in a couple of hours. My prediction is that it will take just as much time and effort by politicians to decide to “re-close” midnight pass as it has taken to try and get it re-opened. In the meantime, Midnight Pass is back.

This is a reminder that God can change the best laid plans of mice and men in an incredibly short period of time. Up until now most of us had never heard of Midnight Pass. Yet, in the course of a few short hours, God decided Midnight Pass was a good idea and man was helpless to prevent that.

This is also a reminder that God is in control, including our elections. Many of us are genuinely afraid that Kamala Harris will become President of the United States. Perhaps an even worse fear is that this country would be stupid enough to let that happen.

I earnestly pray that wisdom will prevail and that Donald Trump will win in November. It is hard to imagine God wanting someone like Kamala Harris to win. But regardless of what happens, it will be his will. Eventually, that will  be best for everyone.