If any of you enduring watching the debate on Tuesday night, some things were really obvious. One was that the moderators were totally focused on challenging Trump regarding anything he said that they didn’t like. The other was that they ignored blatant lies by Kamala Harris. The predictable result is that Trump looked angry and in the eyes of the liberal media, Harris looked more focused.

This is consistent with the MSM constantly referring to Trump as a serial liar. This has worked, because I have many liberal friends who have told me they could never vote for Trump because he tells so many lies. But the biggest lie of all is the lie that it is Trump and only Trump who lies about things. Five minutes research shows that most of the so-called lies told by Donald Trump fall into hyperbole, where he exaggerates things to make himself look better. By that standard, Washington would be empty.

Sometimes we don’t know who really won a debate until we learn the real impact. That can take days or weeks. In this case, only a few hours. Many of the most outrageous lies told by Trump, during the debate, turned out to be, well, true. And exposing the truth can change lives.

One example is where Trump accused Harris of supporting giving free transexual surgery to illegal immigrants. The MSM was furious that he would even dare to accuse her of something so outrageous. But it turns out Trump is right and there is documented evidence to support this claim.

The following article by Fortune, designed to clarify her position, actually makes it worse.

‘Transgender operations on Illegal aliens’: What was Trump talking about? | Fortune Well

Another is where Trump said Democrats want no restrictions on abortion, in some cases even after a live birth. Again, the MSM was furious. They were furious because no one would consider that acceptable. Except that Trump was right again, that is exactly the result of the Democrats unwillingness to put any restrictions on abortion. Let me be blunt. If there is an abortion after 24 weeks, then there are only three possible outcomes. The baby is killed before the procedure begins, the baby is killed during the procedures, or the baby is born alive and there is no effort to keep the baby alive after birth. Those are scientific facts. Facts incredibly inconvenient for Democrats, but still facts.

Walz signed law allowing abortion at any stage and defunded crisis pregnancy centers (


Trump also accused Harris of lying about the crime statistics and he was right about that too. The FBI crime statistics look down only because of a delay in reporting. Places like San Francisco either can’t or won’t report crime statistics until 2025.

The MSM continues to ignore this but the following report in the Washington Examiner is based on facts, not suppositions:

Bad data from the FBI mislead about crime – Washington Examiner

“In 2019, 89% of agencies covering 97% of the population submitted data, but by 2021, that coverage plummeted to less than 63% of departments overseeing just 65% of the population. Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City all failed to submit crime data. To increase participation, the FBI relaxed the NIBRS requirement in 2022, allowing agencies to report via the legacy system.” 

This really matters, because even left-wing Trump hating liberals are absolutely appalled by these issues. Even anchors on CNN were shocked and disgusted to learn about Kamala Harris support for transgender surgery on illegal immigrants. I recently had asked a liberal friend to point out Trump’s biggest lie. He said that Trump accused liberals of supporting late term abortions and in some cases, allowing a baby born alive to die. My liberal friend  literally screamed “No one believes, no one supports that!” But Tim Walz definitely believes that and the Democratic plan for abortion with no limitations results in exactly that.

There is a real possibility that when Democrats and independents are confronted with the facts about what Harris and Walz believe on these issues, they will be appalled. Some of them will never vote for Trump, but they may not vote for Harris/Walz either. Others just may decide that voting for Trump, no matter how much they hate him, is the only ethical thing to do. When people are confronted with the truth about these issues it changes them. That is why Democrats and the MSM are so determined to hide the truth. But facts are stubborn things and in todays world, it is much harder to prevent people from learning the truth. Truth has consequences.



  1. Seems like a lot of liberal Democrats have succumbed to the head in the sand syndrome, unfortunately. Hopefully they will wake up too. The fact that most politicians lie. It is in their nature hopefully, the public will wake up in time to save our country!

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