The Democratic strategy in recent elections is always the same. Limit the candidate to carefully orchestrated events. Make sure the candidate reads only from a Teleprompter or pre-printed cue cards. Never allow the candidate to engage in situations where members of the press can ask real questions and expect answers.

At the same time, encourage the MSM to engage in an orchestrated attack on the opponent. Censor negative information about the Democrat as misinformation. In the case of Kamala Harris, whenever possible include charges of racism or sexism. Combine this with coordinated ballot harvesting campaigns in key swing states. Then, paint any attempt at actually investigating election fraud as a threat to democracy.

Four years ago, this worked. It started long before the 2020 election. Donald Trump was under constant assault by the MSM, key members of the FBI and the Intelligence agencies and the usual suspect Democrats like Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Can you even imagine what would have happened if a Republican Speaker of the House had torn up Biden’s State of the Union address, while a Democratic President was speaking, on live TV. The outrage would have circled the globe. But when Nancy Pelosi did this, it was ok, because hating Donald Trump is the most important American value.

The good news is that this won’t be that easy in 2024. One problem is that people no longer rely on the MSM for news. The internet has made it much more difficult to censor information and to ignore inconvenient facts. In addition, there is all this video. Today almost everyone has a smart phone with an excellent camera. In some cases, video can even be live streamed. This year, the challenge for Democrats is that there is a ton of video, of Kamala Harris, and it is beyond bad. The following is one example:

“How Dare We Speak Merry Christmas!”: Kamala Harris Scolded Americans for Celebrating Christmas While Illegal Aliens Were Denied Amnesty (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Kristinn Taylor

One could argue that much of the current crime spree, particularly regarding wide-spread shoplifting, can be traced directly back to Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris’ record as prosecutor in California spells ‘trouble’ for presidential campaign: lawyer (

The left-wing fact checkers deny this, of course, but facts are stubborn things.

The Time Machine is in full operation, to run out the clock before people see the truth about Kamala Harris. It may work. The MSM is certainly on board. So are all those Democratic operatives. But there is a problem. It’s the economy, stupid, and the Biden Administration will be blamed. The other day we went to Costco, spent over $200 and didn’t buy any fish or meat. We considered stopping at McDonalds for lunch but didn’t want to pay $20 for a couple of mediocre hamburgers. We stopped for gas and were reminded of the true impact of the green new deal. It took our green and gave it to Democrats.

The Time Machine would have us ignore this and concentrate on hating Trump. But, this time, they are out of time. And the machine is showing signs of falling apart. It is just this simple, if you can’t afford to go to McDonalds, where can you afford to go?