Democrats, including Joe Biden, have been calling Donald Trump an existential threat to Democracy for a long time. But it is Democrats who favor the coup as a means of getting what they want. “coup” is shorthand for “coup d’etat” which is French of the overthrow of the government. Note that the key element of a coup is that is it not legal.

Is this a coup? Some history and context to help you decide – Poynter

Democrats rigged the primary system so that no one could challenge Joe Biden. Then, after Joe wet himself on national television during the debate on June 28th, they were seized with panic. Not because the President of the United States is incompetent. No, this was not a concern. Not because this is a threat to National Security. This was not even mentioned. Not because of concern over irresponsible decisions by this man. They actually liked the decisions made by Mr. Incompetence. None of the above even mattered to them.

Their only concern was that Joe Biden might, gasp, lose to Donald Trump. Even worse, Donald Trump could take office along with a stronger Republican majority in the House and Republicans could take over the Senate. This, to Democrats was a fate worse than death.

So, they decided to push Joe out of the way. This all started, even before the debate, when Biden froze, on stage, at a fund raiser. Barack Obama graciously took him by the arm, patted him on the back, and gently guided him off stage. Then came the debate and Democrats went into full panic mode. Almost immediately there was a chorus of people in the MSM who turned on Joe and said it was time for him to go. Soon there were leaks of leading Democrats privately urging Joe to call it a day. But Joe wasn’t listening and Jill Biden was too busy preparing for her trip to France for a photo op with French President Macron. What’s a mother to do? Easy. Leading Democrats began to repeat in public what they had been saying privately. Joe had to go. It still didn’t work.

Finally, last Sunday, Joe did decide to quit, and he withdrew from the race. There are reports that when Biden had to cancel activities because of a medical issue, Obama threatened him with the 25th Amendment, with the support of Kamala Harris. That would certainly help explain the time and the process by which Biden withdrew his name from the nomination.

One suspects that Democrats wanted an open primary where they could choose someone, anyone, other than Kamala Harris and then let the MSM elevate them to deity status. But Democrats ran out of time. They are stuck with Kamala. So, predictably, the MSM is singing her praises and automatically dismissing any criticism of her as racist and/or sexist.

But the reality is that it was Democrats who shoved Joe Biden out of the way, after spending three and ½ years pretending there was no problem. They did not do this because of any genuine concern for the county. That wasn’t even a consideration. This was solely because they feared Biden would lose bigly to Donald Trump. Suddenly, overnight, they turned chicken. That is why this should be named the “chicken coup.”


2 thoughts on “THE CHICKEN COUP

  1. It’s an interesting twist on a “coup”. The perps usually overthrow the existing government, but in this case they overthrow themselves! That is a creative example of suicide. Is the Democrat party actually a hitting the self destruct button? Are they admitting they are toast in the coming election and dumping the garbage out of the way so that ‘28 can start with a clean slate? Joe, Kamala, Nancy and others will be totally irrelevant in four years. Bring on the next generation!

  2. It appears to me that the Democratic control media is now sliding the polls to make Camila look like a sure thing. As radical an idea, as this may be, it may really be what is happening. I sure hope that the general public is not taken in with this as the way to side with a winner. That would be a poorly taken opinion and vote.

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