Today, Joe Biden miraculously made a phone call to his Wilmington Campaign office while Kamala Harris just happened to be there. How wonderful. He gave a very clear endorsement of Kamala and said all the things she wanted to hear, in exactly the right way. It was impressive. But was it really Joe Biden? Keep in mind that in February of this year there was a robo phone call allegedly from Joe Biden urging people to not vote in the New Hampshire Primary. It was such an obvious fake that even CNN noticed:

Fake Biden robocall linked to Texas-based companies, New Hampshire attorney general announces | CNN Business

Political consultant behind fake Biden AI robocall faces charges in New Hampshire | CNN Politics

I don’t know if Joe Biden made that phone call or not, but I would be extremely surprised if this was a live call. At best, this looked like a carefully edited recording. Kamala Harris even appeared to accidently refer to this as a recording.

But perhaps the better question is why? I mean there are ways to determine if a phone call is real or not. We can be sure that many people are already carefully evaluating this call. So, it if is not real, why take the risk. The obvious answer is that this only makes sense if there was zero chance Joe could just show up in person. In other words, desperate people do dumb and desperate things.

What possible motivation would there be for some people for people to hide something this big” Ok. Stupid question. A better question is what wouldn’t they do to promote their agenda and retain power?

A few years ago, this might even have worked. But today, when so many people have access to impressive technology, it is hard to believe that anyone could possibly get away with such obvious deception. Confusing the girls on The View, easy. Confusing CNN, even easier. Confusing MSNBC, a layup. But confusing everyone, not so much.

We will soon know. In the meantime, bend over and hold onto your ankles. It is hard to imagine this ending up well. If joe is doing fine, and this is all nonsense, then why do something this silly? Silly question. Hear ye, Hear ye.