Last night Donald Trump walked into the RNC convention to a thunderous applause. But when I saw a closeup of his face, it was noticeably different. He looks and acts like a different man. That is understandable, because he literally came within an inch of losing his life. But for the grace of God, he would be dead. A gold-plated casket is still a casket.
Watching the assassination attempt live on television was stunning. There are very few events that are destined to have such a major impact on history. It delivered a devastating blow to the Democratic narrative. Their plan was to win this election by convincing people to hate Donald Trump so much that they would vote for a walking corpse before they would consider voting for him. That disappeared along with a significant part of his right ear. A campaign based on hatred for Donald Trump is no longer an option leaving one to wonder how, exactly, Democrats planned to turn the tide of history.
But after seeing Donald Trump last night, one must ask whether the major impact of this incident may be on Donald Trump personally. Donald Trump is a complex man, highly skilled but also an arrogant narcissist. He did an excellent job as President, but he is not necessarily someone to trust regarding a business deal. I have heard too many stories, from people who know Donald Trump personally, to ignore. Donald Trump is famous for being, well, Donald Trump. That is why so many people love him or hate him.
But what if that bullet did more than nick his ear? What if that bullet gave Donald Trump a stark reminder of the precious gift of life. What if it humbled him by reminding him that he is alive solely because of the grace of God. Some of his remarks since the event hint that this may be the case.
Only time will tell, but it seems possible that Donald Trump suddenly became a different person, overnight. A man forced to acknowledge his own mortality. A man who will spend the rest of his life being humbler, but also much more focused on his impact on those around him. There would be no limit to what could be accomplished by a President Donald Trump if he has really changed,
I am not the only one who noticed this. The following article from Vanity Fair seems to confirm part of this:
Donald Trump’s Inner Circle Says He’s “Changed” Post-Shooting. But Has He Really? | Vanity Fair
We really don’t know if Donald Trump has truly changed. That will take the test of time. But this is a reminder that a close encounter with God has the potential to change anyone. It would the ultimate irony if a shot intended to kill him instead may have saved him.