Alternative Reality

I was in Boston, MA getting ready to testify in court. I picked up a copy of the Wall Street Journal and the Boston Globe. Both had front page stories about the “Hush money” trial in New York. If your only source of information came from reading these two articles, it would not be surprising if you thought Trump was heading for conviction and imprisonment. Both reported on Michael Cohen’s testimony as if it came straight from the lips of GOD. They pointed out that Cohen wasn’t promised immunity or anything in exchange for his testimony. Neither pointed out that he was testifying about things that weren’t actually a crime. They also glossed over his vicious personal attacks on Trump and his prior convictions for lying under oath and tax evasion. It was hardly a surprise to see this kind of article in the MSM, but it was extremely disappointing. It is increasingly obvious that many of the people we desperately need to trust are untrustworthy.

I do not know what will happen in this court. So much has already transpired that is legally indefensible that it is impossible to predict a rational response from the prosecutor, the judge or even the hand selected jury. But the intent of this trial was not to find Trump guilty of a crime, there is no crime. It was to convict him in the court of public opinion. To trash him personally to prevent him from winning the election in November.

So far, if that is the intent, it is failing miserably. It is not that some of these allegations about Trump, regarding his personal behavior, are not true, it is that this is hardly new information. Most people I know, who support Trump for President don’t like him. They consider him to be a jerk. They just realize he made good decisions as President and the country did well while he was in office. In addition, we are not naïve about similar actions taken by his most vocal opponents.

What this has done is highlight the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of the DNC and its supporters in the MSM. Ironically, by using this farce of a trial to pretend Trump violated the law to interfere with a federal election, they highlighted their own willingness to ignore the facts and the rule of law to interfere with a federal election. The only thing certain right now is who absolutely cannot be trusted to uphold our most fundamental principles of justice and fair play. Democrats are the ones using the justice system to interfere in elections and they are doing so shamelessly. Perhaps they feel people who agree with them will accept anything that defeats Donald Trump. Perhaps they don’t care, in the world of Trump derangement syndrome, the ends always justify the means.

Most of the time when a politician says our democracy is on the ballot in November, they are either lying or exaggerating. But this time when Trump says that he is spot on. It wasn’t Trump who weaponed the DOJ and our courts, it was Democrats while Joe Biden was President. Recall that it was Barack Obama, not Richard Nixon, who directed the IRS to target political opponents. It was Democrats, not Republicans who demanded an election with all mail in ballots, drop boxes, missing authentication accompanied by loud shrieks of righteous indignation at anyone who dared point out that this could be a problem. They tried impeaching Trump for pointing this out. They are now trying to convict him and anyone else who saw this happen. They used the DOJ and the court system to lock up anyone remotely connected with January 6th, while totally ignoring far more deadly protests, including some specifically designed to obstruct congressional activity. You’ve been warned. If Democrats succeed in stealing another election, there will be no further legitimate elections. That is bad enough, but to see the MSM too stupid or too compliant to notice is beyond explanation.