We moved to Florida in May 2022. The Governor of Florida was Ron DiSantis. He had barely squeaked by into office in 2018. Florida was famous as a swing state, with elections often hanging in the balance until the last possible minute. It was so close in 2000 that Al Gore presented his case to the Supreme Court to recount all the ballots in districts guaranteed to lean Democratic. The Supreme Court voted 7 to 2 to demand that if votes were recounted, the same method had to be used in every county. Then they voted 5 to 4 to stop counting which meant Geoge W. Bush became President of the United States.

But in 2022 things were vastly different. DiSantis won in a landslide and Republicans won all over the state. We wondered why the tremendous change. Today we got at least part of the answer. We went to vote in the Republican Primary. First, we went to the wrong precinct. They took one look at our drivers’ license and gave us directions to the correct precinct. When we got there, we were met by the screener. He checked our drivers’ license, compared it to the voter registration database. He verified that our address had not changed. Then he had us sign the screen, and he compared the signature on our drivers’ license to the one provided on the spot. We were given a numbered slip to get a ballot. The person who gave us the ballot verified that this was a legitimate ballot number, then marked it so that it could not be reused. What a novel idea. Limit voting to registered voters who are required to provide identification. Then document that each voter only votes once. Now you understand why Florida suddenly went from a purple swing state to a solidly red state. Lesson learned.

This explains Democrats are absolutely terrified regarding voter registration requirements. They say this is because of voter suppression, but it appears as if the only votes being suppressed are for non-citizens, dead people, people who have moved and people who want to vote multiple times in the same election. This reminds me of a friend of ours from Chicago. He told us his parents had been life-long Republicans, until they passed away and then started to vote Democratic.

One of the severe problems with RINO Republicans is that they think compromising with Democrats is the high moral ground. Earth to Rinos. Compromising with people who have zero interest in listening to you or even tolerating you is not the moral high ground. It is political suicide. It is no surprise that Democrats routinely run the table in every major metropolitan area where it is easier to “manipulate election results.” This is why Republicans win all over the country, geographically, but get trounced in places like New York, Chicago, San Francisco, LA, Baltimore, Detroit, Milwaukee, and other major metropolitan areas. Democrats would like to have you believe this is because the people like well-run cities, so they vote for Democrats. The reality is they are often afraid to vote against a Democrat, any Democrat. This is why when Huma Abiden’s husband, Anthony Weiner was caught with his pants down, Democratic leaders, who personally knew EVERY VOTER registered in the district, were shocked to realize that a gasp, Republican, Bob Turner, was going to win the special election to replace Weiner. Democrats quickly eliminated this congressional district in their redistricting efforts, so Turner was only in office for one term.

The record is clear. Democrats are totally for free and honest elections if people only vote for Democrats. If a Democrat loses, for any reason, there are loud shrieks of a rigged election similar to how they responded when Trump won in 2016. However, if a Republican even hints there might be a problem with all mail in elections in Democratic controlled machine areas, they are accused of trying to destroy democracy. In the case of Trump, they have literally accused him of inciting an insurrection.

It is long past time for Republicans learn how to play identify politics. Every poll shows that even Democrats support fair and honest elections. Oops, I should have said “regular people who happen to be Democrats” not the class of clowns who seek only to be perpetually in power. Perhaps, more Republicans they should visit Florida during an election. But if you live here and want to vote, make sure you are registered don’t forget your drivers’ license.