We are going to Disneyworld in a few days, along with friends and family members. So, I have been checking out You Tube videos of the rides and attractions to determine which rides to avoid. The top of my personal list of rides to avoid is the Tower of Terror. I went on this ride once, years ago. That was more than enough.

Then I realized that in some way the entire country is already in line to go on this ride. One of the more interesting parts of this ride is that everyone gets on an elevator. The elevator ride invites you to the Twilight Zone where weird things are guaranteed to happen. Actually, there are two elevators, one to take you up and a second one to take you up, then up and down several times before finally letting you out at the end of the ride.

While the Tower of Terror is actually quite safe and amusing, it is ridiculous to put the country through this nightmare. We are now at the point where it is beyond obvious that Joe Biden is totally incapable of being our Commander in Chief. Yet, because he is President of the United States, that is his job. Right now, it is difficult if not impossible to know who, exactly, is performing the role as Commander in Chief. If you thought that would be the Secretary of Defense, which would make sense, that illusion has been shattered. Our esteemed Secretary of Defense went into ICU and not only didn’t bother to inform our President, but he also didn’t inform his Deputy, who is supposed to take over. Wow! Is there a description stronger than “Dereliction of Duty?”

Joe Biden routinely says he was supposed to do this or that. He reads instructions off printed cards. He needs help finding the exit. When allowed to speak without adult supervision he repeats outrageous lies, easily disputed, about imaginary events that could not possibly be true. He even has conversations with people who have been dead for years.

Yet the MSM continues to pretend he is still our Commander in Chief. If people really believe that the entire country would become the Tower of Terror. What makes this even worse is that his sole replacement is Kamala Harris, who is much younger, but has even less leadership ability than Joe Biden, if that is even possible.

His opponent, Donald Trump, is only four years younger. He is much sharper than Joe Biden. But there is no guarantee this won’t change over the next four years. Hopefully, he will choose a VP far more competent than Kamala Harris. Trump is also an extremely divisive person. Some people adore him. He is a brilliant entertainer and fun to watch. He is also extremely skilled at listening to the audience and giving them what they want. Other people hate him with a passion that is impossible to overstate. That is why he has been subject to so many ill-advised lawsuits and indictments. He is very unlikely to be convicted of anything and odds are he will be elected President. But the day he takes office those opposed to him will spend the next four years trying to make sure it is impossible for him to govern.

One good thing about the Tower of Terror is that eventually, the ride ends, and the nightmare is over. The same is true for our country. We can and will survive this. But that doesn’t mean we should be foolish enough to continue on this ride.

This is impossible to predict. How on earth could the supposedly cultured elite establishment allow this to happen? I think the answer is beyond obvious. They forgot what is important. They forgot about the need for a President of the United States, to be ready, willing, and able to accept the awesome responsibilities of being Commander in Chief. We are all likely to pay a terrible price for this miscalculation. Some would argue we are already paying a remarkably high price for selecting someone like Joe Biden to be President of the United States.

But the good news is that it is hard to imagine Joe Biden getting re-elected. Even the DNC and their fawning supporters in the MSM are not THAT stupid. We hope! Getting on the Tower of Terror, when there is evidence of significant mechanical problems would be beyond insane.


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