We are now engaged in another Civil War. A war started by Barack Obama who refused to recognize the legitimacy of the 2016 election. Previously, without regard to political differences, the outgoing President of the United States always wrote a personal note to his successor and took steps to help the new President succeed. There was also a tradition of the outgoing President avoiding criticism of the new President. George W. Bush kept tradition while Obama was in office. This was because of the universal acceptance of the duties of a President and the importance of any President being able to take the action necessary to protect this country. Obama never even pretended. He did everything possible to sabotage Donald Trump from day one.

We recently learned (actually verified) that Obama authorized our intelligence agencies to spy on the Trump campaign, during the 2016 election. When the election was over, Obama sabotaged Trump’s ability to govern by promoting the “Russian Collusion” narrative which everyone know was an absolute hoax. Trump was sabotaged by our intelligence communities who even conspired to cover up the Hunter Biden Laptop to swing the 2020 election to Biden. Democrats in congress literally impeached Trump, without cause, twice. They routinely referred to him as an illegitimate President and Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, made a big show of tearing up his State of the Union speech. All of this was unprecedented. Previously, people may not have respected the person holding the office of President of the United States, but they respected the office itself. That all changed because of the inability of Democrats to accept Donald Trump as our commander in chief.

Now, the DOJ and several local prosecutors are trying to overthrow an election by subjecting Donald Trump to a never-ending stream of lawsuits. No previous President had ever been subjected to this nonsense. But Democrats do not care. The only thing that matters to them is destroying Donald Trump, by any means necessary.

Just think about this, Donald Trump is being prosecuted for having classified documents in his possession. He, like every other President, has grounds to think he was entitled to have possession of those documents. Joe Biden never had authorization to possess any classified documents and he stored them in the most irresponsible manner possible. Biden’s alleged cooperation consisted primarily of lying about everything and ignoring anyone who dared ask questions. Yet the DOJ refused to prosecute Biden yet are proceeding full steam ahead on prosecuting Trump.

Trump is being charged with trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election. He begged someone, anyone, to investigate the widespread indications of systemic fraud. Instead, Mike Pence presided over a rubber stamp ceremony that ignored the legitimate concerns and put Joe Biden in the Oval office with very few options for fixing the error later.

No one in the MSM noticed that Hillary Clinton tried to stop certification of the 2016 election, and she also proposed alternative electors in 2016. She frequently referred to Trump as illegitimate. Yet no one threatened to prosecute her.

In New York Trump has been charged with defrauding lenders, who never lost any money and never filed a complaint. The trial was waged by an Attorney General who campaigned on a promise to get Trump and overseen by a Judge who ruled that Trump was guilty before any evidence was presented.

He is also being sued by a woman, who alleges sexual assault, but can’t remember when and did not report it to anyone. No one questioned whether Trump could do something like this, in the dressing room of a major department store without anyone noticing. The facts did not matter, a New York jury is guaranteed to find Trump guilty of anything, without regard to the facts or evidence.

Colorado then announced that it would remove Trump’s name from the ballot, because he allegedly took part in an insurrection. No one, including Trump, has ever been charged with insurrection regarding January 6th. It was Trump, not Nancy Pelosi, who authorized use of the National Guard, in advance of January 6th, to keep everyone safe.

If any of these cases win, the result will be a legal civil war that will stun the world. No candidate, in either party, will be able to conduct a campaign without being charged with crimes, without regard to any facts of evidence. No candidate will be able to run for office without some state deciding they cannot be on the ballot. Law schools will run classes on how to use the legal system to change the outcome of an election. If someone is elected, they will immediately be confronted with legal action designed to prevent them from governing. The only thing certain will be continuous, unrelenting, and incredibly dangerous chaos.

Democrats won’t win, the country will lose. The only hope is that Trump wins and he has the moral courage to demand a return to the rule of law while avoiding the urge to launch a justified four-year legal campaign against his opponents. The only thing that will save Democrats, from themselves is if they lose and Trump shows the moral courage they can’t even spell. If only someone in the MSM would notice.


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