This weekend we fall back to get ahead. We turn out clocks back by an hour, meaning we start our day earlier and end it sooner. It will be brighter outside at eight o’clock than it was today. But it will also get darker sooner. They always do this on Saturday night, so the only thing people risk missing is church. This week people who miss the memo risk showing up an hour early.

If my memory is correct, one of the arguments for “falling” back in the fall was so that school children could wait for the school bus during daylight. It would be interesting to know if this is still a reason for this. There are several people who propose just getting rid of daylight savings time, but nothing ever seems to change.

I personally think this all misses the point. On any given day, there are only so many hours of sunlight. All that man can do is change the clocks creating the illusion they are managing something. This is one in a long line of silly things man has done in a failed attempt to change reality. But daylight savings time is pretty harmless compared to some other brilliant ideas.

For as long as humankind has been writing things down, it has been well accepted that there are two, and only two, genders. If archeologists discover bones, the first thing they can determine is the sex of the individual. That is because this is, well, obvious. But not obvious to the woke crowd who would have us believe that one can change his or her gender by “thinking” they are the opposite sex. Then they want to change the rules for everyone else based on this illogical conclusion, with predictable results.

The Climate Change hysterical crowd is another example. I suspect there are two major groups within this crowd. One group, actually quite smart, who sees this as a way to make tons of money. The other group is composed of people dumb enough to believe the first group. Many people in the media, who cannot spell science and know nothing about the science, lecture the rest of us daily for ignoring the science. Does anyone see a pattern here.

Now, Mike Johnson is considered to be dangerous because he is a devote Christian. The usual suspects are opining that anyone dumb enough to believe the bible is too dangerously ignorant to be Speaker of the House. They claim that his view discriminates against anyone who dares disagree with him. The opposite is true. He isn’t discriminating against anyone; they are discriminating against him. For example, Pete Buttigieg, is a full-time LGBTQ activist who openly demands discriminating against anyone who does not share “his” worldview. Since he has zero accomplishments in any prior position and even fewer accomplishments in his current position, if he was not an LGBT activist, I doubt anyone would even know his name. That is the reality today, the problem is not discrimination against people because they are LGBTQ but rather discriminating against anyone who dares criticize them. It is a stark reminder of the pot calling the kettle black.

Mike Johnson is severely criticized for believing in the biblical account of creation. To the so-called cultured elite, anyone who believes is creation is too intellectually inferior to be worthy of an opinion. But instead, they have a world view based on a series of mathematically impossible events, occurring over and over again during the course of thousands if not millions of years, resulting in our current world. They fail to take into consideration that no matter how much we learn, we find that everything has been perfectly designed in a manner that no human could even hope to duplicate.

Thus, we are at the point where those who believe in things that are demonstrably false are loudly demanding that everyone join them in following the science. This is the same logic that decided changing our clocks twice a year would result in more sunlight.