The liberal left and the Democratic party are clearly at war with most Americans. Their hypocrisy, double standard and outright corruption are now on full display. It is impossible to even pretend that Democrats are interested in honest and fair debate about anything. Lesson learned.

I have no doubt that Donald Trump failed to fully comply with the standards forced upon him by the National Archives. They demanded he turn over any document in his possession, including those marked confidential. The theory is that only the National Archives can be trusted with this information. That would be a better argument if the National Archives, the DOJ, and the FBI were not hopelessly partisan.

Here is an article that outlines what is in those documents:


The Special Prosecutor will try to portray this as a threat to national security. But, so far, I have seen zero evidence of Trump giving any information to our enemies. He may have refused to turn over the January 6th documents because he knows that Democrats will selectively edit them to try and elevate the false narrative that this was an attempt to overthrow the government. Anyone who watched the January 6th committee in action knows that is a real concern.

Trump, like a lot of people, thought the 2020 election was riddled with fraud. There are many people whining loudly that this was a lie and there was zero evidence of fraud. But that is nonsense. All of us saw what was happening. The real lie is that there was nothing possibly wrong. Granted there wasn’t enough evidence to get the courts to respond. It is true that there wasn’t enough evidence to get the DOJ and the FBI to investigate.  Sadly, no one, in a position to do something to fix this, did anything. Many people feared that the worst case was rejecting the results of that election. They were wrong. The worst case was putting someone as corrupt and incompetent as Joe Biden in the White House with no option to correct that error. That is why Trump was begging congress to send this back to the state legislatures to evaluate. We are all paying a very high price for this error in judgement.

There is precedence for congress taking similar action when a national election looks to be hopelessly compromised. That is exactly what happened following the election of 1876:


“Hayes’s election depended upon contested electoral votes in Louisiana, South Carolina, and Florida. If all the disputed electoral votes went to Hayes, he would win; a single one would elect Tilden. Months of uncertainty followed. In January 1877 Congress established an Electoral Commission to decide the dispute.”

This is what Trump was asking Mike Pence to do. To delay certifying an election and to establish a commission to investigate. Pence interpreted the constitution to forbid him from doing anything other than just certifying results as submitted.

One may not agree with Trump’s request, but it is a far cry from insurrection. Incredibly, the same DOJ and FBI that is desperately trying to delay any investigation of Joe Biden has put unlimited resources into indicting and convicting anyone who was near the capitol on January 6th. Now they have literally indicted Donald Trump for what is clearly political reasons. They leaked word on the indictments on the same day details were being released about the alleged bribery by Joe Biden. Coincidence?

If the DOJ and the FBI are successful in convicting Donald Trump and preventing him from running for re-election, then our democracy will officially be over. It will no longer matter what most people want or think in any future federal election, because the people in power do not care. They only care about preserving their own power. Trump may indeed be convicted, but odds are high this will be reversed later. Democrats know this, they don’t care. They will do anything to stop Donald Trump.

Most people do not want to believe the worst about anyone. Most do not want to believe that Democrats will shred democracy to retain power. They do not want to believe that our DOJ and the FBI have become highly partisan tools of the permanent regime. They don’t want to believe this and the MSM has absolutely refused to even consider this. This is why indicting Donald Trump, for refusing to turn over these documents to people he considers to be hopelessly corrupt is likely to backfire to an extent few thought possible.

There are signs of true revolt. Not a battle fought with guns and ammunition, but rather by simply voting with wallets and feet. People are refusing to continue buying products from companies that openly offend them. They are deserting Democratic run states and Democratic run cities.

Abraham Lincoln said:  “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

This ridiculous decision to indict Donald Trump while ignoring the Biden crime family is too stupid and too obvious to ignore. We are engaged in a War of the Worlds, and there is no alternative to victory.