We often ignore history to our peril. Today there is an effective Tsunami warning system. We are all used to seeing Tsunami warnings only to have people report little or no significant damage. There have been Tsunamis, of course, and some of them have done a lot of damage, but not in places near to us. Hilo, Hawaii may be the most vulnerable city on the planet for damage from a major Tsunami. That is because of the shape of the harbor.

The University of Hawaii did a major study on this.

uhm_ma_3069_r.pdf (

I suspect some things never change. There was a major Tsunami that hit Hilo in 1946, there was another one that hit in 1960. By 1960 there was a warning system, and a warning was issued, complete with bulletins and sirens. Yet there had also been a lot of false warnings, so some people ignored them. Some people even went down to the shore to see this for themselves. Lives were lost as a result of that mistake.

Most of us know the Fairy Tale about the boy who cried wolf.  You might be interested to know that there has even been a financial analysis of the effect of “crying wolf.” Here is the link to an article showing the formulas.

The obvious point is that if you keep predicting dire events and you are wrong, there are consequences. We have all experienced this in real life. My phone gets alerts all the time, usually a wind or hot weather alert. They are interesting, but seldom provide information I didn’t already know and usually this information does not result in my taking any action. But the information is usually accurate.

I could write about COVID and the insanity regarding vaccines and masks and lockdowns, but more people are sick of hearing about COVID than by COVID itself. It is too depressing to focus on temporary insanity.

But there is something going on, that is going to have a major impact, and it is being ignored. Ironically, a lot of supposedly smart people are focused on doing things not only guaranteed to fail but if they accidentally succeed the results are potentially catastrophic. We are talking about climate change here, the real climate change, not the myth of global warming that is causing so much hysteria. Real scientists, who don’t care about the liberal agenda and are not influenced by the minimal impact of CO2 on global climate, are sounding the alarm. These scientists, unfortunately, are far more likely to be accurate. There are numerous legitimate scientific studies that show the same thing my miniature Schnauzer BeckyJo has figured out. If you are hit by sunlight, it is warmer. Since our house is air conditioned, she seeks rays of sunlight coming through the windows and chooses to lie there for her frequent naps. Then when the sun moves, so does BeckyJo. Frankly, our entire global climate is the same way. When there is more sunlight, it is warmer. We call that summer. When there is less sunlight it gets colder. We call that winter. This is obvious to everyone, except the climate change alarmists who should be paying attention to something really big. The sun is going through a period with lower sunspots and solar activity. When that happens, less sunlight reaches the earth. Things get colder, a lot colder.

Most people don’t know that there were times, not that long ago, when the earth was warmer than now. But then around 1645 there was the Maunder Minimum, which took place between 1645 and 1715. The sun had a prolonged sunspot minimum, similar to what scientists are predicting. The result was called the “Little Ice Age.” The earth was already cooler because of some serious volcanoes. Without being too repetitive, it got really cold and the winters of 1683, 1694 and 1708 were extremely cold. In England it was called “The Great Frost” in France it was called “Le Grand Hiver.” It was reported to be the coldest European winter in 500 years.

Now imagine, that just about when the Climate Change hysteria has reached its peak, when the Al Gores and Joe Bidens of this world are demanding immediate action, like getting rid of all gas powered vehicles, it starts getting colder, not warmer. This is a real possibility. It is also, unfortunately, a far more serious problem than the minimal impacts from any potential global warming. When it gets warmer, we grow more crops, and everyone does fine. When it gets colder, there are usually famines, and a lot of people die. Now that we have better technology, the impact of a cold wave would probably be lower, but still a higher risk than global warming.

The point being that despite man’s best efforts to muck things up, God is still in control. If He decides the earth needs to cool down a little, forcing everyone to buy an electric car is unlikely to change anything.