I still remember the first time I got a whopper at Burger King. Prior to that time the only hamburgers I had eaten were from a family barbeque. So, my concept of a hamburger was pretty tame. At best we would add a slice of cheese and ketchup. But I finally got a chance to go to a Burger King and get a Whopper. I was amazed. I had no idea they made something like this. Now, of course, there are many places that make a similar hamburger. In addition, they no longer appeal to me, primarily because of the extremely high calories.

Now, we are dealing with a different kind of Whopper. This is the one where people in important positions tell us lies than can only be described as “Whoppers.” Sometimes this borders on amusing, particularly when someone is caught telling a whopper. The latest is AOC. We have all heard her weeping and wailing about her near-death experience during the “Capital riots.” She even accused Ted Cruz of trying to have her killed. Her story has fallen completely apart. She talked about hiding in a safe place, because she was afraid to go to a secure location where there might be, gasp, Republicans. It turns out her hiding place was in her office bathroom. Then, when the Capital police showed up, to provide her safe escort to an even more secure location, she realized she had made a poor choice, she should have been hiding in her closet.

This was bad enough, but it turns out her office is not even in the Capital, it is in a completely separate building connected by an underground tunnel passageway. The rioters never got anywhere near her. Her office is in the House Office Building, which is located quite a distance from the Capital, across Independence Ave. The MSM should have picked up on this earlier because Rep. Katie Porter, who happens to be a Democrat, talked about it during the following New York Post article:

Katie Porter recounts AOC’s terrifying Capitol riot experience (

She said AOC just walked into her office, didn’t even stop to speak to her and just started opening cabinet doors. Porter asked her what she was doing AOC said she was looking for a place to hide. It is obvious that AOC was truly terrified, and it is equally obvious that this was absurd. This reminded me of early in her career where she was filmed in Tornillo, Texas, standing next to a fence where immigrant children were being caged by the Trump administration. She just missed a couple of minor details, like the fact that it was Obama, not Trump, who built those cages. She also wasn’t exactly seeing children caged up, she was weeping at a chain link fence bordering a parking lot. The “journalists” filming this avoided showing that part, but other people filmed the entire scene, and it was a complete joke. It is increasingly difficult to understand why anyone takes this person seriously.

The biggest and most dangerous whopper is that Donald Trump incited an insurrection. For one thing, there was no insurrection. There was a peaceful protest where outside agitators showed up and turned it into a riot. Even a lot of these people seemed more interested in Instagram poses rather than overthrowing the government. Some of these people really were Trump supporters and some were not. The incident at the Capital was a hot mess, but it was hardly an insurrection. As far as I can tell, no one has even been charged with that. Most of the arrests are for criminal trespass. This shouldn’t have happened, for a lot of reasons, but an insurrection? Please! I do believe that a lot of members of congress were genuinely terrified.

The real danger for Democrats here is that they have been telling a huge whopper and that is likely to become very obvious during this trial. What makes this whopper so dangerous is that a lot of democrats really believe this nonsense. That is why there are thousands of National Guard Troops stationed in Washington D.C. to protect congress from a threat for which there is no actual evidence.

Democrats, who actually have a long history of associating with real white supremacists, frequently accuse all Republicans of being white supremacists. The problem here is that if you keep telling people they are racist; at some point they will start believing you.

Major decisions are being made based on things that are clearly not true. This kind of whopper can be extremely dangerous. However, the flip side is that this is so bad that a lot of people are being confronted with the cost of electing Democrats to high office. Ultimately, the biggest damage done by these whoppers will be to the people who are telling them. In the meantime, the rest of us are dealing with a lot of indigestion.