I lived in Michigan for a lot of years. I can remember times when the water level in Lake Michigan was so low that “experts” were predicting it would never recover. I can remember later times when water levels in Lake Michigan were so high that the same “experts” were predicting massive damage to the shoreline. History has a way of repeating itself. Just a couple of years ago, Lake Michigan water levels were low, only this time it was represented as proof of global warming. Of course anything that happens is presented as proof of global warming. Now we learn that, gasp, Lake Michigan water levels are high again and guess what is happening to the shoreline?


There are few things in the word that are easy to predict, but this time it is pretty easy. Within a short period of time, we will see a report in the New York Times explaining how global warming is causing record water levels in Lake Michigan. Governor Brown, in California, will use this information to pass some new carbon tax to help fight global warming. This is easy to understand for those of us who used to live in Michigan and now live in California. The first time we saw the Pacific Ocean we went: “huh?”   Looks a lot like Lake Michigan. Jerry is easy to confuse.