There is a storm brewing in New Hampshire.  A Nor-easter is hitting the state with about 8 inches of snow.  If that happened in Atlanta it would bring everything to a screeching halt.  In New Hampshire it probably will have minor impact.  Another political storm is brewing and no one can predict the damage from this puppy.

We don’t know what will happen but we do know some things.  Donald Trump was strangely subdued during his interview with Brett Baer today.  Is that a coincidence?  Everyone, and I do mean everyone, thinks that Rubio is going to plummet because of his Quayle/Perry moment.  At a minimum, he is a far cry from the candidate who was soaring in the polls just a few days ago.

Bush, Rubio, Kasich and Christie have invested big time in New Hampshire.  According to Bloomberg just last week these guys ran 1,435 ads compared to 29 by Ted Cruz.  The governors went all in on New Hampshire. One of them has to pass Cruz by a big margin, or it’s over.  Kasich is starting to look like the Republican establishments last hope.   If they can’t win in New Hampshire they can’t win anywhere.  If Cruz does anything at all, it is a remarkable accomplishment.

By the way, New Hampshire has introduced voter id.  They are actually going to limit voting to registered voters who identify themselves.  It boggles the mind to consider the implications of this.  Hillary must be quaking in her boots.