Somethings are extremely rare.  One is where a shamelessly corrupt individual comes clean.  That may have happened during an interview of former major league ball player Lenny Dykstra by Colin Cowherd on CBS.  Dykstra said that he paid $500,000 to private investigators to dig up dirt used to intimidate umpires.  This was an incredibly stupid thing for Dykstra to do, particularly on the air.  This is beyond embarrassing for Major League Baseball.  It threatens the integrity of the game.  They are almost certain to take action.  I suspect they will come down publicly on Dykstra and try to discredit him.  I also suspect a lot of umpires will have some serious ‘plaining’ to do in private sessions.  Dykstra gave a “hypothetical” example of how this works:

“Their blood is just as red as ours. Some of them like women, some of them like men, some of them gamble,” said Dykstra. He then imagined a scenario in which he asked the umpire if he “covered the spread last night” after a called strike, then the strike zone shrunk to his advantage.

Dykstra is already famous for financial and legal issues, so anything he says must be accompanied by more than a grain of salt. But this has the ugly odor of truth.

Now ask yourself a couple of questions.

What does Barack Obama know about Hillary Clinton? 

What does Hillary Clinton know about Barack Obama? 

What does Joe Biden know about Hillary Clinton?

What does Hillary Clinton know about Joe Biden? 

This reminds me of the little old lady who went to see her dentist.  He asked her if she needed to have any pain killers.  She smiled and said no, she would be just fine.  Just before the dentist started to work on her teeth she reached over and grabbed him in the most sensitive possible spot and said:  “Now we’re not going to hurt each other are we?”

In January 1997, Bill Cosby was threatened with blackmail from a woman claiming to be his illegitimate daughter.  Cosby went to the cops and videotaped her demanding $24 million. She is in jail, but Cosby did admit to having an affair with the girl’s mother.  Cosby won the battle, but he may have lost the war.  Once people starting looking into Bill Cosby’s personal history the results were beyond catastrophic for him.

Blackmail works, until it doesn’t.  It is dangerous for everyone.  Just ask Bill Cosby.


NOTE:  I decided to write on more blog article and see if anyone is paying attention.  The potential for future blog articles will be determined by whether or not I think enough people are actually reading this.


  1. Dykstra could be a choirboy compared to any of the 4 mentioned above. Also, the book “Blood Feud” is a very interesting read.
    Terry, please keep on with your blog. Read every one and pass them along.

  2. Sorry to hear you’re giving up Terry. I have enjoyed your blogs even though I don’t often respond unless I feel the urge overpowering me to do so. Although I could care less about was sports people do, I enjoyed your comments regarding the current political figures.! Regards, Bill Bierce

  3. I have always enjoyed reading your articles, and was saddened when you said you were stopping. I am hopeful that that enough people will comment, that you are encouraged to keep writing. I spent 20 years in the compartmentalized world, like yourself, and was particularly enjoying your take on Mrs. Clinton and her lame excuses. If she were a regular person, she’d have been walked to the closest govt security office, stripped of her clearances, and would likely be charged with several crimes.

    Keep writing, my friend!

  4. Terry, I always read the articles. I may not have commented, but you left plenty of interesting thoughts. I’ve forwarded several of your writings to friends.

  5. I read every one of your blogs! There have been times when the calls were so “off”…certainly could be…
    I personally really like the challenges that are decided by someone in a placce far away…
    I would love to find out what the Clinton’s and the Obama’s have on each other; I know they do not like each other…..

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