Obviously, my timing with regard to the Rick Perry article was brilliant.  He was probably in the process of withdrawing while I was typing.   I am not disappointed that Perry will not be the nominee.  I always thought that was a long shot.  What is depressing is that once again we are on the path to choosing a nominee for President in the worst possible way.  Donald Trump is entertaining but it is frightening to think of him being President.  Granted, anything would be better than Obama, but Donald Trump is the arch typical loose cannon.  Ben Carson is in second place.  He is a brilliant doctor and a very nice guy, but he doesn’t have any executive experience at all.  This means the top two Republican candidates at the moment are there almost entirely because of their celebrity status.  Donald Trump literally has 100% name recognition and so far nothing else matters.  The only solace at this point is that the worst Republican candidate is far better than the best Democratic candidate.

I watched the campaigning this week lurching from laughing out loud to throwing up.  Thanks God for Democrats.  Hillary’s latest effort to move past the “made up” e-mail scandal is beyond pathetic.  The end is near.  Even Democrats realize this, which is why people are actually encouraging Joe Biden.  Joe Biden?  If Democrats can’t do better than Joe Biden it is hard to imagine them winning anything.

I still predict that…Jerry Brown, Governor of California, 76 years old, will be the Democratic nominee because he will be the only Democratic candidate who won’t lose every state.  Let’s face the truth.  When the following people are top candidates for President of the United States:  Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and, gasp, Jerry Brown it is hard to be optimistic.  If we are this stupid we deserve our fate.

Not one of these people is remotely qualified to be President of the United States.  But that no longer matters.  What matters is “name recognition.”  This is beyond pathetic.  Listen closely. Do you hear that?  It is the rest of the world convulsed with laughter.  Is it really possible, they ask, that the American people, the nation that literally conquered the world has descended to such a level of mass stupidity?  The answer quite simply is how else do you explain how someone like Barack Obama was elected President of the United States, not once, but twice?  When you are done answering that, try to explain why we are considering replacing him with Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, or God help us, Jerry Brown.   When Jerry Brown looks like a realistic alternative, all hope is gone.  I rest my case.  Good night.