The following article in Al Arabiya news is stunning:  This is hardly a right wing conservative rag:

Note that the author is not exactly a friend of either Netanyahu or Israel:

It is extremely rare for any reasonable person to ever agree with anything Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says or does…

The Israeli PM managed to hit the nail right on the head when he said that Middle Eastern countries are collapsing and that “terror organizations, mostly backed by Iran, are filling in the vacuum” ….

In just a few words, Mr. Netanyahu managed to accurately summarize a clear and present danger, not just to Israel (which obviously is his concern), but to other U.S. allies in the region….

despite this being perhaps the only thing that brings together Arabs and Israelis (as it threatens them all), the only stakeholder that seems not to realize the danger of the situation is President Obama, who is now infamous for being the latest pen-pal of the Supreme Leader of the World’s biggest terrorist regime: Ayottallah Ali Khamenei. (Although, the latter never seems to write back!)

The good news is that this destroys the vision of Obama the evil genius determined to rule the world.  That person does not exist.  The bad news is that the evil genius is replaced by someone who is stunningly arrogant and incompetent.  Obama is so focused on doing it his way that he has failed to realize he is on the wrong side of the road heading toward a cliff.  If he was the only one on the ship of state this would even be fun to watch but the opposite is true.  This blunder has the capability to set off the unthinkable, a nuclear war.

It is downright frightening to realize that the man the American people voted for a President of the United States is so obviously incompetent.  Incredibly has still has sole authority to handle this crisis.  I don’t think any other nation on earth would tolerate this.  In Great Britain there would be a vote of no confidence and a new election.  In most democracies a leader this pathetic would be hounded by the press and would eventually leave office.  Sadly, in this case, the press refuses to do anything but provide cover for Obama. In other countries, there would be a military coup.  None of that can happen here.  The only two options are for something to happen to Obama or for congress to impeach him.  Neither is likely to happen anytime soon.

It was great that Boehner had the stones to ask Netanyahu speak to a joint session of congress.  Now the question is whether or not people were really paying attention.  If Netanyahu is right this country is in grave danger.  If he is wrong, then prove him wrong. There is no middle ground here.  There is far too much at stake for that.

If you think what Netanyahu said was scary, keep this in mind:

the only stakeholder that seems not to realize the danger of the situation is President Obama,

The only thing worst that this is what will happen next is something doesn’t change.