There is no epidemic of excessive use of force by the police in this country.  That is a liberal lie. Like most liberal lies it is designed to get people too blinded by rage to pay attention to the facts. In reality every police officer knows they are being scrutinized.  There are dash cams on police cars. Soon there will be cameras on police officers themselves.  There are also millions of civilians with smart phones capable of shooting video. Police officers are already under tremendous scrutiny.  Every time someone is shot by a police officer, the officer is immediately suspended and the incident investigated.  In most states this is reviewed by an independent agency. Every time an unarmed person dies after being arrested by the police the National Bar Association launches an investigation. The myth that police brutality is a daily occurrence and that it is covered up by authorities is absurd. In reality, these cases are extremely rare and it is almost impossible for anyone to cover one up.

The entire myth is based on a handful of incidents, all of which are distorted and misrepresented by the liberal left.  This also is a typical liberal strategy.  They take one case and pretend it represents a national trend. Sometimes they don’t even have a single case, so they take anything that looks close and distort the facts to fit the narrative.  The classic example of this was the dreadful Matthew Shephard case. Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered on October 6, 1998. Even today Matthew Shepard is considered to be the poster child for gay hate crime. The myth is that he was brutally murdered because of his sexual orientation. In reality he was killed by someone he knew very well who also participated in gay sex. He was killed by someone who was in a rage because he was high on meth. You probably don’t know that because the main stream media and the LGBT community needed a hate crime. So did President Clinton, who was desperate to do anything to distract from the Lewinsky scandal.  The following article, by a gay investigative reporter willing to tell the truth explains this in detail:

The liberal left did the same thing with Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. They repeated the process with Eric Garner. This, by the way, is the same tactic used to promote the discredited theory that we are all going to die because of global warming caused by too much CO2. Liberals know that their insane cap and trade policies which are destroying our economy are only acceptable if people are terrified about non-existent global warming.

In all cases the lies are designed to generate outrage and/or fear that will cover up the embarrassing lack of facts. This is always accompanied by loud screams of outrage when anyone dares ask questions. This is why anyone who questions the narrative regarding Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown or Eric Garner is accused of being racist. It is why liberals are trying to silence anyone who dares to criticize the global warming narrative.  This is the quickest way to tell when people are lying.  Those who are most outraged at being questioned are those who need to be questioned the most. People who have the facts have no need to silence the opposition.  The facts speak for themselves.

This time the liberal left has made a huge mistake. They forgot something very important. We need the police. If those people protesting think the police are a problem wait until they find out what happens if the police are not there. Criminals are unlikely to use this as an opportunity for that coveted family vacation.  Instead they will exploit the lack of police presence to seize the day and wreak havoc.  This will soon become obvious because the police in New York City have had it:

Following is a memo allegedly distributed by the NYPD Patrolman’s Benevolent Association (“PBA”).

“At least two units are to respond to EVERY call, no matter the condition or severity, no matter what type of job is pending, or what the option of the patrol supervisor happens to be. IN ADDITION: Absolutely NO enforcement action in the form of arrests and or summonses is to be taken unless absolutely necessary and an individual MUST be placed under arrest. These are precautions that were taken in the 1970’s when Police Officers were ambushed and executed on a regular basis. The mayors hands are literally dripping with our blood because of his words actions and policies and we have, for the first time in a number of years, become a ‘wartime’ police department. We will act accordingly.”

The PBA has denied being the source of the memo, but clearly the message has been received.  In addition to hundreds of NYPD police officers literally turning their back on Mayor de Blasio, there appears to be a virtual strike:

The results boggle the mind:


If you are in New York, and you are threatened by a criminal don’t bother to call the police, call Al Sharpton and ask him to scream at the criminals. Let me know how that works.  Thanks to the help of Barack Obama and Eric Holder the problem isn’t limited to New York City. It was just reported on Fox News that police in Seatle are scalling back the prosecution of minor crimes. I suspect that every police force in the country is seriously considering modifying daily activities to focus more on protecting the police and less on arresting criminals. Who can blame them when police are literally being attacked.

As pointed out above, this entire mess is based entirely on liberal lies. Any strategy based on an assumptions that are untrue is destined to fail. The real problem in our black communities is not police brutality, it is black on black crime. Reducing the police presence is not going to fix that problem, it will only make it worse.  In addition, the anti-police rhetoric is likely to increase the potential for excessive force by police. When a police officer feels threatened the potential for violence escalates.

Since most liberal policies are based on absurd lies, they are destined for failure. Unfortunately the damage is not usually limited to those people foolish enough to believe liberals. This is a reminder that when liberals resort to liars leap, there is no need for anyone to follow.