There is good reason for outrage by the black community.  However, this has nothing to do with the Michael Brown case.  The reality is that it is extremely rare for police to shoot anyone and even more rare for them to shoot an unarmed black teenager. There are a lot of black kids getting killed, just not by police.  The most dangerous place for a black child is in his mother’s womb:

These numbers are nothing short of genocide.  In 2011 there were 76,521 abortions in New York City.  $35,188 or 46.1% of the abortions were for black babies.  Yet blacks only make up 25.5% of the population in New York City.  If you want to look for people who place a lower value on the life of a black child, start with Planned Parenthood.

Another very dangerous place is living in a black neighborhood.  If black men want to stay alive, they need to fear other black men more than they fear the police.  The black homicide rate is 4 times higher than the national average and over 5 times the average for white Americans.  About 80% of the time the murder is committed with a gun. Anyone want to guess on what percentage of those guns were purchased legally?  It is very simple, honest citizens buy guns from licensed dealers.  Felons buy them on the black market.

The real tragedy of Michael Brown is that while Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are hyperventilating about an incident that may not even involve excessive force, they are ignoring far more serious problems.  Yes, black people should be outraged at the callous disregard for the value of black lives.  Yes we all should be concerned about police using excessive force.  But how about reserving some of that anger for those people who are responsible for most of the carnage?


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