The odor of failure and corruption from the failed Democratic leadership is permeating the atmosphere.  It is getting stronger by the day and it is starting to show up in all the polls.  Now we have new e-mails verifying what has been obvious from the start.  The White House directed a cover-up of what really happened in Benghazi for strictly political reasons.  The following e-mail was obtained by Judicial Watch:

This e-mail is stunning.  It not only proves that Susan Rice lied, it shows the motive for that lie:

“To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;”

While at least some in the main stream media will remain unconvinced, the truth is increasingly difficult to ignore.   This e-mail was specifically intended to prepare Susan Rice to lie on national television.

The memo was copied to Jay Carney, Joshua Ernest, Dan Pfeiffer, Jennifer Palmieri, Erin Pelton, Howli Ledbetter and Davie Plouffe.  They were all in on the cover-up.   This now points directly at the White House.  If it does not reach directly to the President it is perilously close.

I believe the main stream media ignored this story because this is unthinkable.  How do you justify this administration, or any other administration,  deliberately lying about a national security issue?   We always knew what happened but there was no proof.   Now there is proof.  What is most amazing about this e-mail is that this is so incredibly stupid.  It is bad enough that they did this.  It is beyond belief that they documented it in writing.

I recently wrote about the importance of the decision to hire W. Neil Eggleston.  One would suspect that this e-mail may be just the beginning.  This is really bad and if there is one e-mail like this there are probably more.  We have reached the point where the stench cannot longer be ignored.  We know for whom the smell polls.  It polls for Barack Obama and anyone who supported him.