We are now learning more facts about how Obama saved General Motors.  In a world dominated by ObamaCare, the Ukraine, Benghazi, Syria, Iran, IRS Targeting, Fast & Furious and NSA eavesdropping, the GM story could just top the list.  Remember when Biden gloated that Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.  Frankly after all the other lies and cover-ups by this administration I am no longer completely sure Bid Laden is dead.  How on earth could we trust this government with regard to anything?  As for GM, the mismanagement by the Obama administration may come closer to killing GM than saving it.

This started out bad, with the Obama administration stiffing GM’s creditors and bond holders while bailing out the UAW.  This, of course, is the same UAW which demanded GM sign labor agreements that made it impossible for GM to complete.  In effect UAW was bailed out from the problem they created.

That was bad enough, but now we know more about the high cost of governmental leadership.  At the same time the Obama administration was trash talking Toyota for an allegedly defective floor mat, GM was covering up huge safety defects.

The following article in Yahoo News is scathing:–sector.html;_ylt=AwrBEiGQkj1TxAYAZMLQtDMD

The new CEO at GM is trying to explain this:

“It will take some time for the brand to gain back the customers it lost,” she said. “But I have got to believe that General Motors will use this opportunity to really focus on improving the safety of their product.”

She “has” to believe but the rest of us would be insane to believe.  This is what happens when you turn over one management of the most respected companies in the history of the United States to a bunch of naïve radicals.  It doesn’t get much worse than letting people drive around in cars knowing that the air bags may not work.  Perhaps I am wrong, but this seems to border on criminal negligence.  PGE is facing criminal charges with regard to the pipeline explosion in San Bruno.  This seems much worse.

This is just another example of what happens when the government tries to manage anything.  Just today we learned that the State Department, under the brilliant leadership of Hillary Clinton, spent $6 billion in payments to contractors and it can’t quite figure out where the money went:

In a special “management alert” made public Thursday, the State Department’s Inspector General Steve Linick warned “significant financial risk and a lack of internal control at the department has led to billions of unaccounted dollars over the last six years.

Nice!  Hillary is obviously over-qualified to be a Democratic President.