I am not exactly a fan of “Duck Dynasty.“  I have only watched part of two shows.  I primarily can’t stand any reality TV show, so this is nothing personal.  I am amused at the wild success of the show which obviously has an enormous following.  Every time I turn around there seems to be another “Duck Dynasty” product.  Obviously these guys are world class at taking advantage of name recognition.  That probably means they are a lot smarter than you think.

Now Daddy Duck, Phil Robertson, got his wings clipped for speaking his mind about homosexuality.  I read the transcript of his interview and can understand why the LGBT community was offended.  No one likes to be labeled as sinful.  I suspect even people who realize they are sinful are offended when this is pointed out by someone else.  It is hard to avoid coming across as “holier than thou” when you focus on sins you consider to be a problem for someone else.

The LGBT community is particularly upset at being compared to bestiality.  On that they probably have a point.  As far as I can tell, most people who have sex with animals as a hobby choose an animal of the opposite sex.  Just saying!   In addition, most animals that breed successfully are actually heterosexual.

But there is more going on here.  This is not just about reducing or eliminating discrimination against the LGBT community.  This is about forcing people to adopt the LGBT world view, with no tolerance for anyone with a different opinion.  It is no longer acceptable, in the minds of the liberal left, for anyone to have a different opinion.  We have seen this before.  No one is “holier than thou” than the people who are offended by anyone who they think is “holier than thou.” 

But this time they may have picked on the wrong guy.  It turns out that clipping Phil Robertson’s wings ruffled a lot of feathers.  A ton of people are coming to his defense and the backlash is growing by the minute.  According to the boycott A & E blog already has over 500,000 likes.  Yikes!

I can pretty much guarantee that some of the top executives at A & E are now fully aware that they stepped in it big time.  This is the typical left wing liberal mistake.  They are always shocked to find out that a whole lot of people don’t agree with their delusional view of the world.

This actually could be fun to watch.  “Duck Duck Goose.”