The “Cheese State” has struck again.  When Governor Scott Walker took on the public sector unions in Wisconsin he appeared to be playing with fire.  The backlash was instant and overwhelming.  Remember all those teachers swarming the Capital in Madison.   Liberals fought back with every tool in their bag of tricks.  They even imported paid activists from Chicago.  It didn’t work.  Walker didn’t back down an inch.  So, then Democrats tried to recall him.

Democrats were so sure that voters would reject Walker’s reforms that they were still predicting victory on election night, long after the media had called the election for Scott Walker by a wide margin.  This is typical of the liberal mindset.  They couldn’t bring themselves to believe what was obviously true:

Not only did Walker win that election, the labor unions suffered a serious, potentially fatal defeat.  By July of 2013, The Wisconsin Education Association Council has lost half of its 98,000 members.  It turns out that when given a choice, a lot of people chose not to continue paying dues to a union that often did not represent their best interests:

Now Scott Walker has a new plan and it is brilliant.  Instead of giving money to the government, Walker would give money to people and allow them to purchase health care from private insurance companies.   They can just ignore the ObamaCare exchange.  He is still giving people money, which will offend a lot of conservatives, but at least he is giving them a choice in how it is spent.  Even MSNBC is intrigued:

Hmmm.  Let people “choose” between government insurance and private insurance.  What is the world coming to? Ask the government to compete on price and/or service?  Please!

Expect the liberal left and the Obama administration to respond with outrage. But ObamaCare sucks big time and a lot of Democrats are desperately in search of Susan.   Ok, not exactly Susan, but they are desperately searching for a way out.  This will be attractive to at least some of them.  At this point, anything that even looks like a solution will be attractive to them.  Some Democrats in Wisconsin have already signed on to the Walker plan.  And you still don’t believe in miracles?  As they say, any port in a storm and this is one heck of a storm.

There is zero chance the Obama administration can rescue ObamaCare.  They aren’t even ready to admit there’s a problem.  There is no way that you can fix a problem if you won’t even admit there is a problem.  But there is a big problem and it isn’t going away anytime soon.  No amount of main stream media spin can paper over this disaster.  On January 1, 2014, a lot of people are going to wake up to a healthcare hangover that aspirin won’t touch.

Scott Walker has a plan.  It is astonishingly simple, which is why no Democrat even considered it.  The government can’t fix this, so let’s take the money away from the government and give it to someone who can fix it.  This seems pretty obvious to me.

Everyone else is dancing around the real issue.  Walker nailed it on the head.  Government can’t solve the problem when government is the problem.  Take government out of the picture and things suddenly come back into focus.

Wisconsin.  Pretty darn cold at the moment but one really hot idea.  Get the picture?  Smile at the camera and say “cheese.”   “On Wisconsin!”