President Obama accepted full responsibility for the BP oil spill, by pointing his finger at everyone else and threatening to hold them accountable.  What is pathetic is that so many members of the main stream media bought it.  I almost puke when people say:  “At least we finally have a President that accepts responsibility.”  Really!  Threatening to hold other people accountable is not exactly my definition of accepting responsibility.  When, exactly, has Obama ever admitted error?  If this wasn’t so awful, it would be hysterical. 

This reminds me of General Braxton Bragg.  The General was notorious for a very bad temper.  He had a reputation of not getting along with anyone.  Since he was in charge of a small frontier base, he acted as both Quartermaster and Commanding Officer.  As Commanding Officer, he demanded that the Quartermaster prove him with essential supplies.  As Quartermaster, he denied the request as being excessive.  Then, as Commanding Officer, he filed a complaint against the Quartermaster.  Finally, in desperation, his Commanding General wrote him that he had managed to get into some kind of quarrel with everyone in the U.S. Army, and now was even  quarreling with himself.

This is remarkably similar to the Obama administration’s game plan for handling the BP oil spill.  There is no one in the administration with any leadership ability and certainly no one with actual experience.  They are not out of ideas, they never had any ideas.  So, they must rely on BP to do everything, and they have no clue as to how to deal with this problem.   So, they will demand action by BP and then complain that whatever action is taken is inadequate.  At the same time, they will ask the FBI to conduct a full scale criminal investigation of BP.  In the meantime, the leak goes on.  Sadly, some people in the main stream media really think this is leadership.