The Obama administration sent out Dan Pfeiffer to be on all the Sunday morning talk shows.  Pfeiffer was his usual self, which means he didn’t answer any questions.  He just kept reciting Democratic talking points.  Up until now, that usually worked.  The main stream media was more than willing to accept this kind of crap, in the past.  That has changed overnight.

Chris Wallace asked Pfeiffer where Obama was and what was he doing on the night of September 11, 2012.  When Pfeiffer tried to filibuster his way out of answering Wallace got angry and said:  “with all due respect” you didn’t answer the question.  When someone says “with all due respect” due respect is the last thing on their mind.  Wallace told Pfeiffer he wasn’t buying it and he let Pfeiffer have it when he refused to answer a direct question.  Eventually Pfeiffer gave the idiotic response that this was “irrelevant.”  I am sure that a lot of people watched this interview and alarm bells started going off.  One has to assume that Pfeiffer knows the answer, but he was desperate to avoid answering the question.  This is clear evidence that there is something big they are trying to hide.

Wallace just destroyed Pfeiffer.  It was a complete mismatch.

It was even worse on “Face the Nation,” primarily because the Obama administration expects tough questions from Fox News.  They do not expect if from CBS.  In his commentary Bob Schieffer literally drew a comparison between the Nixon Administration and the Obama Administration, which he described as “Dumb and Dumber.”

When you are compared to the Nixon administration and you are the dumber part of Dumb and Dumber, you are in serious trouble.  Schieffer described Obama as joining the long list of people in this administration who know nothing about anything. He clearly was not impressed and he wasn’t buying it.

The Obama administration is botching this big time.  Their strategy, as described by Pfeiffer on:  “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” is not only arrogant, it is stupid:

 “We are going to work with Congress, as the president said, in legitimate oversight,” Dan Pfeiffer, a senior adviser to Obama, said today on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” program. “What we’re not going to participate in is a partisan fishing expedition designed to distract from the real issues at hand.”

They really think they can write off the I.R.S. scandal as a fishing expedition launched by hysterical Republicans.  That is hopelessly naïve. During the CBS round table discussion it was pointed out that everyone knew that the I.R.S. was being accused of targeting the Tea Party last year.  Of course they knew.  The Tea Party was squealing like a stuck pig. But this was dismissed by News organizations because no one in the media believed the Obama administration could be that stupid.  They were wrong.  They were exactly that stupid.

The Obama administration still believes that the liberal media will come to their rescue and they won’t have to answer questions.  Obama is so used to getting a free pass that he is in a state of denial refusing to believe that those days are over.  I don’t believe that Republicans are capable of removing Barack Obama from office.  But, if Obama keeps going on the current path, he may ultimately remove himself.

I suspect some senior Republicans have mixed feeling about whether they even want this to go much further.  They already have Obama where they want him.  His agenda is in flames.  They know, because of the fallout from the Clinton impeachment, they will also incur casualties if they get into a war with the Obama administration. .

In the meantime, Obama sent in Pfeiffer and he fizzled.  Since Jay Carney also flamed out one has to wonder who will be next?  Obama is running out of people stupid enough to try and sell this nonsense.  Since the truth is not an option, it is hard to predict what will happen next.