I have always felt that ultimately Barack Obama would be laughed out of office.  Bill Clinton nailed this early on when he said the Obama candidacy itself was a big joke.  But the joke was on Clinton as he soon was faced with screams of racism.  Clinton backed off big time and the rest is history.

The entire Obama narrative has been a joke from the start.  But the main stream media just couldn’t bring themselves to see the truth.  Instead they chose to see people like Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly as just loud mouth extremists shouting at windmills.  They made the classic mistake of judging facts based on their personal distaste for the person, without realizing that facts are stubborn things.  They convinced themselves that the bitter folks on the right could see a mountain in every mole hill.  The left had an explanation for everything.  Obama’s birth certificate controversy was written off as racism.  William Ayers was just a guy in the neighborhood.  Reverend Wright was a nice guy who just got overheated during one sermon.  Obama just happened to be the only politician in Chicago who was personal friends with Anthony Rizzo without being corrupted.  So what if Rizzo helped Obama buy his house.  So what if Rizzo is in prison for bribing public officials.  This is all just a coincidence.  They ignored the video by Percy Sutton explaining how he personally arranged for a Saudi prince to fund Barack’s great adventure.  They were happy to discount this as just nonsense from an old man.  They ignored the obvious fact that someone with Obama’s academic record would have needed to buy his way into Harvard.  Some, but not all, even convinced themselves that the deliberate cover-up of Benghazi was just another political witch hunt over a minor issue.  Sure, technically, there were all these smoking gun documents showing that Obama deliberately lied to us, but they shrugged that off too.  The man was untouchable.  The conspiracy theories about him unthinkable.  Until now. 

Now the IRS got caught red-handed targeting conservatives and the evidence is so overwhelming that they had to admit it.  But Barack Obama said:  “if this is true.”  If?  If this is true?  They admitted it.  Then the news broke that Eric Holder had conducted wide spread surveillance of the Associated Press.  Suddenly the lights went on in the city and a whole lot of people on the liberal left are coming to the grim realization that those folks at Fox News have a lot of really inconvenient facts. 

The following skit from Jon Stewart will do more harm to Barack Obama than all of the congressional committees combined.  He didn’t just shred Obama’s defense, he laughed it off the stage.  A politician can recover from being hated.  A politician can recover from scandal.  But a politician cannot recover from becoming a laughingstock.  If you do not believe that, talk to Sarah Palin:

First, watch this video and laugh out loud.  It is incredibly funny.  Then get down on your knees and thank God for Jon Stewart.  He has done something that Issa, Gingrich, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Graham and a cast of thousands could not have done in a million years.  He has laughed Obama right off the stage and he will never recover.   It won’t happen overnight, but it may happen faster than anyone thought possible.  Democratic politicians all over the country will watch Jon Stewart and they will be confronted with the ugly truth about Barack Obama.  A picture is worth a 1,000 words, but a Jon Stewart sketch like this is worth a million.

Democratic politicians are going to start deserting the ship in droves.  Hillary Clinton would be the pied piper leading the parade if she hadn’t personally mucked up Benghazi.  Obama just got a full taste of “Pain Stewart” and nothing will ever be the same again.

(I have a picture of Paine Stewart in my office, so obviously no disrespect intended for one of golfing’s greats, both on and off the field)

It’s a beautiful thing.


One thought on “PAIN STEWART

  1. It’s about time the Dems woke up. To bad it cost the lives of so many. Hope it costs “H & Obi Wan” their careers as of now this time.

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