The Obama administration has a great new idea.  A new military decoration for: “Courageous Restraint.”  Following is the “reasoning” behind the proposal:

“There should be an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the troops who exhibit extraordinary courage and self-control by not using their weapons, but instead taking personal risk to de-escalate tense and potentially disastrous situations,” the statement said.–93246399.html

 Now some narrow minded people incredibly fail to recognize the universal appeal of this award.  There have even been irresponsible suggestions that this could result in more civilian casualties because of an increase in the use of civilians as human shields.  What nonsense.  The next thing we know we will be accusing terrorists of launching rockets against Israel from civilian homes.  Why some people have even suggested terrorists might consider using civilians as suicide bombers.  How unrealistic is that?  Clearly the people opposed to this rule fail to understand the universal appeal of being strong enough to not fight back. 

Of course the Obama administration has shown resolve in dealing with our real enemies; like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.  In addition the President was very forceful in pointing his finger at the executives involved in the BP oil spill while criticizing them for – finger pointing.  We haven’t had this caliber of leader in the United States since Jimmy Carter left office in 1981.  In fact, Obama is on the verge of doing something I previously considered impossible.  He actually makes Carter look competent by comparison.