A lot of us watched TV Tuesday night, earnestly praying that Mitt Romney would be elected President of the United States.  We watched in vain.  The die was cast before the first vote was cast last Tuesday.  A majority of the people who voted on November 6, 2012, almost certainly voted to elect Mitt Romney.  We definitely know that he won 59% of the white vote.  This was almost a replay of 2008.   Once again, Democrats out hustled Republicans with a massive early voting campaign specifically designed to get minority voters registered and to make sure they voted.  Then they worked to get minorities to vote on Election Day.  It worked brilliantly.  95% of blacks voted for Obama; so did 75% of Hispanics.

The first step in solving a problem is identifying the problem.  There are two problems:  1.  Black voters seem to just automatically vote for the Democratic candidate.  Hispanic voters are a little more flexible, but in this election they also voted in lock step.  2.  All of the early voting, absentee voting and massive voter registration activities cast serious questions on the integrity of the election itself.  This situation is a recipe for voter fraud.

In a democracy, it is impossible for any president, no matter how popular, to get much more than 60% of the vote in a fair and honest election.  The highest vote total by any president was James Madison, who received 64.7% of the vote.  In recent history, the following presidents won more than 55% of the vote:

Lyndon Johnson 61.1%

Franklin D. Roosevelt 60.8%

Richard Nixon    60.7%

Warren Harding 60.3%

Ronald Reagan   58.8%

Theodore Roosevelt   56.4%

The point is that when there is a secret ballot, and people have true freedom to choose, it is impossible to get a really high percentage of the vote.  This has nothing to do with race.  One can assume that most of the people living in places like South Korea are Korean.  They don’t vote in lock-step for anyone, if they have a freedom of choice.  There are places where we see such winning margins.  These are places with a single-party system.  There are also places like North Korea.  When you see anyone getting more than 65% of the vote, anywhere, anytime, you know that the voters did not have a true freedom of choice.

What really happened in this election is that the Democratic machine took over the minority voting blocks.  Regardless of whether you think their tactics were legal or not, ethical or not, they worked to an extent that is impossible in a truly fair and honest election.  We now have a situation where the outcomes of national elections are predetermined by a small percentage of the total voters because these people vote in lock-step.  Quite simply, the outcomes of the last two presidential elections were determined almost entirely by the black and Hispanic vote, which voted as a single voting bloc.  If you discount the bloc voting by minorities, John McCain won easily in 2008, and Mitt Romney won easily in 2012.

This explains why Democrats are fighting so hard against voter ID.  It also explains the desperation to preserve early voting with no restrictions.  It is the primary source of their political power.

Suppose you are a minority, living in a depressed area.  You may not even speak English.  A local representative of the Democratic Party shows up in your living room.  He or she smiles a lot and they speak your language.  They help you register to vote.  They help you get your absentee ballot and then help you answer the questions.  Then they graciously offer to put it in the mail for you or perhaps even drop it off in person.  This is happening in minority communities all over the country.  It is clearly working.  You don’t achieve a 75% or even a 95% margin for your candidate by accident.  You certainly do not achieve that by having a fair and honest election.

We must take action now to fix this problem.  We must start by alerting people to the problem and demanding voter ID laws.  We must also demand a return to the secret ballot, with one caveat–the ballot cannot be so secret that we have no way of verifying that it is legitimate.  A court case reported by the Denver Post explains the problem:


Democratic activists are working overtime to make it impossible to hold a free election in this country.  They are doing this under the cover of eliminating voter suppression.  If they succeed, your vote next time will matter even less.

There is bi-partisan support for this, and we must fix this problem before it is too late.  Voter-ID laws have strong support from Democrats as well as Republicans.  We must demand that systems be put into place to verify that voters are legal, that they are properly identified, that the secrecy of their ballot is preserved and that they only vote once.  We must be flexible enough to prove to the courts that we are not discriminating against the ability of legal minorities to vote in elections, but we must be absolutely firm in requiring a system that preserves our most precious freedom–the right to vote.  We must demand a return to free and honest elections.

If we do that, based on historical records, it will be impossible for any political party to achieve this type of lock-step voting in the future.

We must also reach out to the minority communities and tell them the truth about how Democratic policies are devastating minorities.  Democrats talk a good game about looking out for the little guy, but they have been throwing money left and right to defeat poverty in this country since 1964, and it has never worked.  It is worse today than when Lyndon Johnson started the war on poverty. When in doubt, always start with the cold hard truth.

We must also send a strong message to the white community.  If we do not fix this problem, the white community will no longer have any voice in future national elections.  The only alternative to a sustained situation where minorities are dominating elections by voting as a block is for white voters to vote as a block.  That, of course, would be unacceptable.  That would be racism.  There was a time in this country when white voters, at least in the South, did exactly that.  We do not want to return to those days under any circumstances.  But the harsh reality is that the last two presidential elections were won almost entirely by racial politics.  Barack Obama did not hesitate to tell black people they must vote for him because he is black.  He also did not hesitate to tell Hispanic voters to vote for him because all white voters are racist.  He did much more than that.  Democratic activists descended on minority communities in mass to make sure people voted their way.  They told lies about George Bush letting people die after Hurricane Katrina because they were black.  The Democratic Party is once again the party of racism.

There is hard evidence that white voters are not racist.  Even when minorities were voting in lock step for Barack Obama, 39% of white voters still voted for Obama.  When you think about it, Barack Obama got almost exactly the percentage of white votes one would expect a losing candidate to get from any voting demographic.  Mitt Romney got 58% of the white vote, also just about what one would expect for a winning candidate.

The lesson to Republicans is very simple:  we don’t have swing states.  What we have is voting blocs that don’t swing at all.  If Democrats continue to register new minority voters and the percentage of the minority vote goes even higher, and they continue to vote as a Democratic bloc, we will lose our Democracy.  This election has to be a real wake-up call.