Bill Clinton is a lot of things, but he is not stupid.  Yet he has done several things recently that have created serious problems for Obama.  One was the wording in the infamous Obama commercial lathering self praise on Obama for daring to order the assault on Osama bin Ladin.  While appearing to praise Obama, Clinton actually skewered him.  Perhaps this was accidental, but one has to wonder.

Then Clinton gave an interview where he said that he considered Obama to be incompetent when Obama was running for election in 2008.  More recently Clinton gave a speech criticizing the Obama tax the rich strategy.

Now we have some unknown candidate running against Obama in the Arkansas primary.   Hmmmm.  Arkansas.  What President of the United States comes from Arkansas?  I know.  Bill Clinton comes from Arkansas.  What a coincidence.  What would happen if some unknown actually beat Obama in the Arkansas primary?  It wouldn’t exactly be a strong endorsement for four more years.

A few days ago Hillary Clinton appeared in public wearing glasses and without makeup.  Since the woman is famously vain, I found this curious.  I question whether the Clintons do anything without an agenda.  I am pretty certain that this was not an innocent mistake.  So I asked myself what Hillary might do if she still harbored hopes of somehow sneaking in and taking the nomination away from Obama at the convention.  She would try to position herself as totally above the frey, just a humble and willing servant, reluctantly available as a draft candidate.  Very Clintonian.

What better way to do that then to put on such a public show of having no interest in any political office.  Hillary shrugged this off as reaching the point in her life when she is no longer influenced by political ambition.  Since it was Dick Cheney, not Hillary, who had a heart transplant, I seriously doubt she had a legitimate change of heart.

Rush Limbaugh noticed this and even commented about it.  Who knows?  What we do know is that Clinton is certainly not helping Obama’s cause and lately there have been a lot of “coincidences” that are a little too convenient.  Every time Obama tries to get back on message, something knocks him off stride.  A recent example was the “discovery” of a brochure promoting his autobiography claiming Obama was born in Kenya.  Now we have top Democrats like Newark Mayor Booker and former Governor Ed Rendel ripping Obama for criticizing Bain Capital.

At a time when Obama needs to tighten up his lies and distortions about the pathetic economy, and launch his vicious personal assault on Mitt Romney, he has to respond to damaging distractions.  At first I thought Mitt Romney made a major mistake by public promising to condemn anyone who brought up Reverend Wright.  Then I remembered that Mitt Romney is much brighter than John McCain and he has already demonstrated a willingness to play political hardball.  I think what Romney is doing is making sure the Wright interview is receiving maximum coverage by pretending to do the opposite.

Among other things, Reverend Wright said that Obama struggled with keeping his Muslim heritage while still embracing Christianity.  That may make sense to someone as naive and incompetent as Bill Maher, but it won’t impress anyone who understands the core values of Christianity.  Wright also said the Obama campaign offered him a bribe to keep his mouth shut.  That, among other things, would be a felony.

At a minimum there have been some “things” happening to Obama and they have mostly been bad.  There seem to be a few too many coincidences to dismiss off hand.  At least some of this stuff seems to have been leaked within Democratic circles.  Perhaps its just me, but it is starting to looks like the last four letters of democrats are leaving the Obama Ship of State.