Someone is clearly messing with Iran’s nuclear program.  A couple of weeks ago another nuclear site “accidentally” exploded.  Now this one reported today:

There have already been rumors that the U.S. and Israel were responsible for the Stuxnet computer worm that did significant damage to Iran’s nuclear program:

Please note, this was started under George W. Bush’s watch.  When the full truth emerges about all the things that George Bush did to protect this country, I think a lot of people will be shocked.  If these “explosions” are part of that program, he just may have figured out a way to head off a nuclear holocaust.  It should also be pointed out that Obama apparently gave strong support to this program, for which he deserves credit.  This is further proof that even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.

What makes this so beautiful is that Iran will never admit what happened.  There won’t be any wild charges against the U.S. or Israel, because then it would be obvious that Iran got snookered.  Regardless of who did this, it’s a beautiful thing!


One thought on “IT’S A BEAUTIFUL THING!

  1. Tis indeed wonderful, but it just goes to prove what I tried to tell my superiors at the water works when I was there. Any hookup to the internet by an important or critical entity is stupidity of the first order! If they hooked their computers to the net in any way, they deserve what they got. If they didn’t, it would have to have been an inside job. Hooked to the net, any hacker worth his salt could have done the deed.
    When I was in utilities, management had the installer/programmers hook our county facilities intranet to the internet to facilitate engineers and management downtown snooping on operations. (Not necessary at all!) Programmers demo showed how effective this was by adjusting water pressure at a Hawaiian plant. I went into orbit, but it fell on deaf ears!

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